Dear Faxer:

Urge your Rep. to Save the E-Verify System!

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The House Ways and Means Committee is trying to kill the E-Verify employment verification system by adding worthless restrictions to Rep. Calvert's bill (H.R. 19) to fund the system for a further seven years. The Committee has mandated that:

1)Require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to reimburse the Social Security Administration for all costs related to the E-Verify program and

2)If DHS and the SSA cannot come to an agreement then the E-Verify program will not be funded.

The first stipulation is not outrageous, but the second provision certainly is. This is nothing more than an attempt to kill the E-Verify system, the only program available to employers to verify the identity and legality of potential employees.

Please fax your Rep. and urge him/her to make sure that the E-Verify program is funded in full with no restrictions!