I took the opportunity with the newest fax at NumbersUSA to take a jab at this sellout mouthpiece for Jorge' Bush and Michael "I don't Know How To Tell The Truth" Chertoff. Here is the fax:

Senator Mel Martinez
Republican National Committee
Washington, DC 20003

Dear Senator Martinez,

The RNC has lost its way and you will no longer be receiving my donations.

The RNC has chosen to support the attempts of Senators McCain, Kyl, Hagel, and Graham in their attempts to ram through the Senate a "comprehensive amnesty bill." and kill the USA as we know it. I will no longer support this failed organization; an organization that even the Oregon Republican Party doesn't support on this issue.

As a lifelong Republican I am absolutely sickened when I see you, the President, Senator McCain, Senator Kyl or Senator Graham on television hawking this steaming piece of garbage.

Trust me, your support of this bill spells the end of your political career. You may think voters have a short memory, not this time. You are permanently branded with an Amnesty "A"!

You still have time to save the Republican Party and perhaps your career. Take a page out of Senators Isakson and Chambliss' book and announce that you've heard you constituents.

There is no excuse for ANY Senator to vote yes on cloture for S 1639. Take look at the polls, you can't dip much lower.

Mark my words, passage of this bill WILL kill the Republican Party and a YES vote on cloture will kill your career. Ask yourself; are you that willing to sell out your country to serve the most rotten President in my lifetime?

NO on cloture is the only vote rank and file members of the Republican Party will accept. You have angered those who got you into office, you need to listen.

