Just getting out in front of the upcoming assault from the House:

Congressman David Wu
1023 Longworth, U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative Wu,

Please follow the Senate's lead and do not force an Illegal Alien Amnesty on America!

Many members of the Senate destroyed their careers trying to push a fatally flawed bill on the American people against their will.

If you think the public backlash over S 1639 was bad, just try Flake-Gutierrez or any other "comprehensive bill. We will have none of that. If you attempt to bring anything to the floor that even smells like S 1639, you and the other House members will experience upheaval beyond comprehension.

Now is the time to revive the legislation by Rep. King using the IRS to help enforce workplace immigration law, which is supported by your Senate counterpart Gordon Smith.

As our representative in the House of Representatives, you must now INSIST that the Bush Administration build the border fence and enforce our existing immigration laws.
