I have heard stories from he was...
***Born in Kenya africa - which at the time would have made him a brit and he was smuggled back to Hawaii and only has a certificate of live birth (Not a birth certificate- somehow they are different and the Birth certificate is more legal)
***His mother did not live in the United States for five years after the age of sixteen before she had him.
***He spent four years in indonesia and had to renounce his US citizenship when he was adopted and if he came back to the US on the same passport that would still make him an indonesion citizen not a US citizen. Which means we may have just voted in an illegal alien!!!!

Most of this research was done by an attorney named Burg.

If these rumors are true and we can prove it.
1) Would anything he said or did in office be legal?
2) How would we be able to undo it?
3) Would the Supreme Court even care to do what is constitutional?(Have they even read it?)

I do have to admit that I am personally biased against Obama - he is just plain scarey.