Obama’s ’4th-Best’ President Claim Draws Criticism

December 26, 2011
by Personal Liberty News Desk

After receiving a barrage of ridicule following claims by President Barack Obama that he was the “fourth-best” President, the White House went on the defensive and tried to qualify his assessment, The Washington Times reported.

According to the newspaper, Presidential Spokesman Jay Carney noted that the comments were taken out of context and said he statement was based in part on the “volume” of his achievements.

“The issue here is not going be a list of accomplishments,” Obama told Steve Kroft of CBS’s 60 Minutes during an interview. “As you said yourself, Steve, you know, I would put our legislative and foreign-policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president – with the possible exceptions of Johnson, FDR and Lincoln – just in terms of what we’ve gotten done in modern history.”

The newspaper reported that critics observed that the comments were vain and full of illusions of grandeur.

POLITICO reported that Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Doris Kearns Goodwin said that Obama will leave a lasting impact, but didn’t agree with his claim that his accomplishments put him over all but three Presidents.
