Just when you think the Obama couldn't be anymore insane this comes along...........

Obama Plans To Give Welfare To Suspected Terrorists

Posted: March 27, 2009 12:55 PM

Updated: March 27, 2009 01:08 PM

Okay...It's one thing to bailout the banks, or give bonus checks to AIG, but I have to draw the line when the Obama administration says they are going to give taxpayer dollars to people once held at Gitmo.

If it's not bad enough that our "Clueless in Chief" closed Gitmo without a plan with what to do with the remaining 200 plus detainees, now his people say he's going to release some as "free men" on US soil and give them money to live on.

I swear, every morning I wake up, read the headlines, and wonder what country I'm living in!

What in the world is going on with this administration?

From the Washington Times:

Terror inmates may be released in US: intel chief

President Barack Obama's intelligence chief confirmed Thursday that some Guantanamo inmates may be released on US soil and receive assistance to return to society.

"If we are to release them in the United States, we need some sort of assistance for them to start a new life," said National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair at his first press conference.

"You can't just put them on the street," he added.

Come on! There's doing the opposite of Bush, and then there's just being completely crazy, and possibly endangering the lives of Americans.

How could a US President, after 9-11, think that giving welfare to former Gitmo detainees be an idea that would fly with the American people?

For that matter, how could a sitting American President think about closing Gitmo?