<img src=http://www.nationalvanguard.org/images/teaser/mexicans%20invading.jpg>

While Senator Barack Obama called the loss of 3,100 Americans in the war on terror "wasted lives," the senator, all of his Democrat colleagues, RINOs, and President Bush choose to ignore a far more outrageous statistic.

As documented in a report by Joseph Farah dated November 28, 2006 and titled "Illegal Aliens Murder 12 Americans Daily," illegal aliens murder an average of 4,380 Americans each year.

And that does not include the 4,750 Americans killed by drunken illegal aliens every year! That, by the way, equals 23,725 "wasted lives," since 9/11. (And about 2,000 more than the "surge" that President Bush has ordered)

Go here:
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/artic ... E_ID=53103

Really concerned about "wasted lives," Obama? Then work to secure our borders, enforce existing laws, and deport all criminal illegal aliens now residing in America!