I'm going to send this letter to every member of Congress if it takes me a week to do it. And I'm going to keep sending it until they pay attention. Then I'm going on a calling campaign. I'll do as many a day as I can and say, "I just wanted to remind you that today we're losing another 25 American citizens' lives to illegal aliens." (corrections made in statistics)

Dear . . . . .

I am sick and tired of all the rhetoric protecting the illegal aliens in this country. The ACLU is thwarting our immigration laws, federal judges are ruling against the very laws that were passed by Congress, open border lobbyists are campaigning vigorously to get some kind of amnesty bill passed, we’ve got Mexican trucks with free access to our highways against our will, santuary cities are spread clear across this country, Calderon says Mexico doesn't stop at his northern border and Mexico’s Vincente Fox is in this country encouraging the illegal aliens to demand rights from us they‘re not even entitled to. On top of all this, some of our House members and Senators continually introduce bills that represent only the illegal aliens in this country who have broken our laws, instead of the people who have voted them into office. And these are just the highlights.

Maybe this government doesn’t realize what all of this is doing to our country. Maybe some of our elected officials don’t realize how they sound when they stand on the People’s floor and demand rights for an entire culture of people who feel it’s their right to invade our country. Maybe Congress doesn’t know these people are flaunting their country’s flags in our faces as they stomp the flag of America into the dirt and scream that this country belongs to them and that they are taking it back a little at a time. Maybe our government is asleep at the wheel and don‘t see this, but maybe too many of our elected officials just don’t care about the American people as they bargain for backroom deals that pander to LaRaza and big business interests.

Well, somebody in Washington better wake up! Because for every day that this scenario plays out, we lose another 25 American citizens’ lives at the hands of illegal aliens, with a 50/50 split between accidents caused by drunken illegal alien drivers and violent crimes committed by alien criminals. This country has dealt with nearly one million sex crimes in the past 8 years due to these people. Thousands of these innocent lives were children who were raped, some brutally murdered. We’ve lost more lives at the hands of illegal aliens than the Iraq War, 911, and all our national disasters lumped together, yet there are still those who have the audacity to stand up on the People’s floor and fight like hell for yet another amnesty bill without even caring who they are giving it to. Doesn’t this bother some of you??

Recently, Senator Harry Reid stood on the People’s floor and said he’d read in the paper that morning that we had lost another 17 American soldiers in Iraq that day. It made him sick to his stomach, he said. Well, tomorrow we’re going to lose another 25 American civilians right here in this country to foreigners, and that makes me sick to my stomach.

Many of you call people like me a racist because I want to go back to being a nation of laws, but what does it make some of you every time another American citizen is murdered because of this government’s refusal to represent the People of the United States of America. I am sick and tired of this.