Started at 9 am with around 150-200 patriots standing on both sides of one of Omaha's major streets, right in front of the enemy's stronghold, the Mexico consulate where their buzzard flag waves so limply.

Plenty of police presence. Ensuring the enemy invaders didn't pull any of their stupid tricks.

Not a huge media turnout, waiting now to see what coverage one local TV station gives.

Something I noticed here in a state closer to Canada than Mexico... the large percentage of passing cars/trucks with Hispanics inside. Omaha is not traditional Mexican/Hispanic stomping grounds. I believe it would be safe to declare that MANY of the Hispanics passing by are here illegally.

Indicative of the invader's attitude towards the USA, our culture and American citizens was how many of the passing Hispanics saluted us with the one-finger salute, displayed Mexican flags, yelled out obscenities, etc. All the things that if Americans did in Mexico would lead to severe legal problems or an assault by a Mexican national and, even the possibility of being killed.

Omaha is overrun worse than I realized.

The attitudes displayed by those Hispanics passing by..... simply disgusting. Many veterans at the rally. A multitude of American flags. Yet, the invaders treats US as second-class citizens.

Verily I say unto thee.... if the invasion continues unabated I predict severe civil turmoil eventually and the possibility of the Union being fragmented.