A tip of the hat to President George W Bush for executing the Executive Order of June 23, 2006, pertaining to the protection of property rights for the American people.

That Executive Order is a very welcome remedy in light of the devastating Kelo decision by the United States Supreme Court one year ago.

One additional Executive Order is urgently needed to address an issue that directly effects the health and safety of all American citizens: Illegal immigration.

With the stroke of a pen, Mr. Bush could put an end to the contentious debate about comprehensive immigration reform, while simultaneously strengthening homeland security, reducing the size and cost of government, and preserving American sovereignty, language, borders and culture.

Such an Executive Order need not, indeed MUST not, be complex and laden with Washington double-talk. Nor would it require any action from the US Congress.

The Executive Order might be worded as follows:

June 24, 2006

All Departments

Illegal immigration is ILLEGAL.

The United States has established borders and regulations designed to assure the sovereignty of our nation and to protect the safety and security of all American citizens. Without enforcement of those borders and regulations, America's citizens are at risk.

Please be advised that ALL immigration regulations now codified in federal law must be enforced to the full extent of the law, without exception, and immediately.

In addition, I have ordered the defense department to redeploy 50,000 US troops to the US-Mexico border to defend our nation against further invasion. Our troops will be armed and authorized to use whatever force may be necessary to prevent illegal entry into America.

God Bless America,