National Vanguard:

I am officially requesting that you remove any materials from your website regarding our organization Americans for Legal Immigration and discontinue any links to our material or organization. We have no control over what you do or who you link to, but your attempts to imitate or co-opt our efforts are not welcome and only serve to forward the goals or our opposition.

Is it your intent to help and assist illegal aliens and pro illegal alien organizations? That is exactly what we see National Vanguard doing and even though I have little knowledge of your organization I'm starting to wonder who really runs it. If you are not receiving a paycheck from the Open Borders Lobby, you should apply for one as I am certain they are fans of your recent works.

Your actions are defaming the work of Americans that have no desire to be forced into false association with your organization through your unilateral efforts. Your unwanted attempts to unilaterally associate yourselves with other groups that DO NOT share your cause about to cause a great deal of strife in our movement.

Cary Council Member Joyce resigned his seat to make a statement. Americans coast to coast wrote on his behalf. Then National Vanguard stepped in and besmirched the whole affair handing a victory to the illegal alien supporters. National Vanguard keeps showing up in news articles and on the websites of our opposition as the spoiler. You are spoiling the work of other Americans that do not welcome your involvement.


A quick scan of the Internet finds your organization placing a big red target on the foreheads of many Americans that DO NOT share your cause.

I suggest that National Vanguard should hold its own events and operations and stop trying to attach yourselves to the efforts of Americans that do not welcome your participation and association.

It is ironic that the opposition to ALIPAC, the Minutemen, Save Our State, and many other good groups constantly makes the false claims that our supporters are white nationalists, Nazis, white supremacists, etc.. These statements are not true and are designed to endanger both our efforts and work as well as our physical safety. Then you pop in with National Vanguard and attempt to make their claims slightly legitimate.

Let me state for the record that our organization does not share your organizations goals or desires in any form or fashion and that National Vanguard and your supporters, as well as the supporters of any organization deemed White Nationalists, separatist, supremacists etc... are not welcome in our ranks. We do not want our material placed on your site and we do not welcome your links directed at material on our site.

This is your official notice from ALIPAC. Most of us did not get involved in this movement to fight groups like yours as we have our hands full just trying to slow the movement of thousands of more illegal aliens into our nation each night. However, you are proving to be a political hazard that must be addressed because you keep inserting yourself into this issue next to people that do not want your support or assistance or involvement.

We do not want any of our material on your site. You are unwelcome in our ranks and your efforts to assist the illegal alien invasion supporters are duly noted. We do not share your views or goals and we should not face the possibility of our work being harmed by your reckless attempts to insert yourself into our events, activist operations, or media coverage.

I hope you will remove any material or mention of us on your website and give full consideration to separating yourself from the efforts of other organizations that do not desire false association with National Vanguard.

This open letter to you will remain a part of our website until all materials that are from or hosted on our website are removed. We will be more than happy to remove this letter if you will do the ethical thing by removing your unwanted attempts to identify with our organization.

Our organization is very blessed to have the support of Asian, Black, and Latino as well as Native Americans and White Americans. We have a large group of angry LEGAL immigrants from many places in the world and this big tent philosophy has been a core mission of ALIPAC since we entered this debate. Our organization is fighting racism in the ranks of the illegal alien supporters and we do not allow racism or white separatism on our website as we are welcoming many Americans that share our cause to secure our nation.

In short, we are certain your supporters would not approve of our policies and multi ethnic solicitations.

National Vanguard is acting as an agent on behalf of the Open Borders Lobby by working to assist their efforts to falsely label our movement. We await your reply. Please remove any materials or links to us.

If this problem continues we will consider expanding the scope of our operations to include fighting on another front due to your provocations. I would hope that you would honor our requests and allow us to fight illegal immigration without your continued provocations.

William Gheen
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC