An Open Letter to Shenandoah Mayor Thomas O’Neill

Posted by Wendi Medashefski on August 21, 2008

by Wendi Medashefski

Dear Mayor O’Neill,

Thank you for taking the time to read this. After following the story of the death of Luis Ramirez, and watching the media twist it into a propagandist, racial crime, I feel it’s necessary at this point to encourage you to find solutions to the problems Shenandoah is facing.

First and foremost, the Pottsville Republican and Herald has refused to print the true facts of the case, picking and choosing what is relevant and what is not. Sadly, their poor choices have painted your entire town, and even county, to look like a racist, hateful community where no Hispanic is safe. You and I both know that assumption is ridiculous, yet that’s exactly what the media wanted to happen, to further their goals of open borders.

So far, you have been fairly silent about this incident. Sometimes silence is golden, and until now, this was likely a wise choice. But now we have the families of the boys, American citizens, being tormented and harassed by the friends of Luis Ramirez. The Piekarsky family was stalked by a van of Hispanics, who then fled the scene. The driver was cited for underage drinking and having no license after being chased by the police. Upon returning to the Piekarsky home, Giovanni Garcia Cruz was found prowling in the doorway of their house. He was also cited for prowling and underage drinking. He is the brother of Victor Garcia Cruz, who was one of those involved in the fight with Ramirez and the boys. Derrick Donchak, in his car, was the victim of a hit-and-run recently, as well.

It is more and more evident that illegal aliens are not simply coming here to make a better life. They are coming here to get things they are not entitled to, such as welfare, social security, and jobs they cannot legally work, not to mention the 13 sex offenders that cross the southern border every day. More than 71,000 American citizens have lost their lives to illegal aliens since 9/11. That figure does not include the rapes, maiming, kidnappings, or assaults on children.

Since things are now swinging even more out of control, it is time for you to take the reigns and lead your community in a way that includes all citizens, the voters who put you in office who are now looking to you to be a leader.

Mayor Louis Barletta of Hazleton, while despised by the ethnocentric groups, is hailed as a hero national for taking a stance on illegal immigration. Some do not even agree with his premise, but are so disgusted by the lack of leadership from our elected government, that they respect Mr. Barletta for taking a stand at all.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona is well-known for his tent cities wherein the inmates wear pink underwear. He is also known for his ability to do what many say is impossible: rounding up illegal aliens. Sheriff Arpaio is abhorred by the open borders lobby, but is one of the few heroes in America right now who stand up and do the right thing in the face of adversity.

You now have the opportunity to become one of the rare elected officials the American people can look up to. You can choose to stand by the rule of law, your constituents, and your community by putting your foot down, and saying, “No more! Illegal aliens need to get out of Shenandoah now!â€