Hello Folks,

Want to get your opinions on a persistent feeling I have. We all know employers of illegal aliens are a major cause of the invasion. They are a hindrance (money talks) to actually doing something about this problem. I also have a feeling there is another major aspect to the lack of immigration enforcement being overlooked. Fear. There are so many illegals in this country now and more coming everyday. I believe the federal government feels it's back is against the wall. A siege mentality.
It's not hard to see if the government sends the US military to the border, stops all the freebies illegals receive and starts arresting employers who hire them, another civil war would break out. What they don't, or won't, understand is it's a case of do it now or do it later. There'
s a quote from a movie I often use, "something wicked this way comes". It's coming and has been for a long time.
Another failure in their thinking is not taking Americans into account. I'm not talking about the ones who see what's going on, but remain silent. Not the ones who are so lost within themselves and the immediate little circle of their lives they don't know what's going on. Not the pro-immigrant fools who have their own agenda. No, I'm talking about those Americans who still love her enough to fight to save her. I would fight in this country for my country and do my damnest not to die for my country, but fight I would. There are untold thousands of us willing to do so. The wonderful Minutemen are the visible ones who have inspired so many to be willing to fight. We don't know who these people are, but they're there.
For all its fallacies and follies, the government is not stupid. They have to know this. They have to know they would have Minutemen and women pouring out out the woodwork across the country to help in the fight. Intentionally or through ignorance, we, as true Americans, are a valuable resource so critically disregarded. This is what I believe and would appreciate your thoughts on it. Whether you think fear is a factor in the government's inactions or not. If this has been discussed on here before, then I apologize, but I don't remember if it was or not.