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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Lake Forest, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by redlander
    Quote Originally Posted by chadlingoc
    The other day my nephew came home with homework instructions, and they were in Spanish, and English. My brother was outraged, and spoke to the teacher telling her that he did not want his son to be taught bilingual. Her response is that she will help all that need help, and until she is told no, she will continue. My nephew has been enrolled in a private school as of yesterday. We are seeing the demise of this country, and it is happening very fast. England, Germany, and half of Europe are seeing it with the Muslims who do not want to integrate, and us with the illegal Mexicans. Lets continue to fight and preserve our beautiful country.
    It is nearing the tme to draw swords! But, our problem is our pacifist ways and the willingness to have the other guy take care of it! Become active, it is the only way!
    I agree, my brother was the pacifist, and I told him to fight it, and he is. He has actively started a parent group to start monitoring at the school. Even though he sent his son elsewhere, his friends are outraged. Lets fight this everyone!!!! The emails, faxes and phone calls are our swords!!!!!

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by chadlingoc
    Quote Originally Posted by redlander
    Quote Originally Posted by chadlingoc
    The other day my nephew came home with homework instructions, and they were in Spanish, and English. My brother was outraged, and spoke to the teacher telling her that he did not want his son to be taught bilingual. Her response is that she will help all that need help, and until she is told no, she will continue. My nephew has been enrolled in a private school as of yesterday. We are seeing the demise of this country, and it is happening very fast. England, Germany, and half of Europe are seeing it with the Muslims who do not want to integrate, and us with the illegal Mexicans. Lets continue to fight and preserve our beautiful country.
    It is nearing the tme to draw swords! But, our problem is our pacifist ways and the willingness to have the other guy take care of it! Become active, it is the only way!
    I agree, my brother was the pacifist, and I told him to fight it, and he is. He has actively started a parent group to start monitoring at the school. Even though he sent his son elsewhere, his friends are outraged. Lets fight this everyone!!!! The emails, faxes and phone calls are our swords!!!!!
    Agreed, and thank you!

    "Calling illegal aliens 'undocumented immigrants' is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist' ...Greg Lease

  3. #13
    gemini282's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    I have a 5 year old who just started kindergarten, he would have been in preschool last year but guess what we couldn't afford to send him BIG SURPRISE there right? We live in SAN DIEGO, so it's no surprise how many people we have here who don't speak ENGLISH. His first day I went to his class with my Mom with me. We opened the door and this lady approaches us, the class before was running late. and she addresses us in Spanish. We both jumped on her, not literally, and told her WE DON'T SPEAK SPANISH WE SPEAK ENGLISH! The school he is attending is in the San Ysidro school district, it's a new school but if the district could get away with it they'd teach in Spanish. Well she got the message! When my son brought home some homework it was in both languages, NOMBRE etc. I was outraged! If I could afford it I'd send him to a private school. A lot of the parents don't speak english, we have filipinos and asians but they speak english so why is it that Mexicans feel they can't too learn english? Kids pick up on language quickly so I don't see the need for ESL classes in elementary school or for the need for teachers to be bilinguals. Maybe if the Spanish speakers would turn off their novelas and watch the English channels they might learn something new. I don't buy that BS that they are working 2-3 jobs and what not if that's so how is it they're mostly on welfare spending US tax dollars? I work extra with both my kids, the other is 3. so that they won't have be left behind. If I can spend my free time which is very little teaching my kids why then can't someone who doesn't speak english learn on their own time and teach their kids also? As long as the government does business in english as far as I'm concerned that is the official language of this country and the only language besides a foreign language class that teachers should do their lessons in.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Lake Forest, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by gemini282
    I have a 5 year old who just started kindergarten, he would have been in preschool last year but guess what we couldn't afford to send him BIG SURPRISE there right? We live in SAN DIEGO, so it's no surprise how many people we have here who don't speak ENGLISH. His first day I went to his class with my Mom with me. We opened the door and this lady approaches us, the class before was running late. and she addresses us in Spanish. We both jumped on her, not literally, and told her WE DON'T SPEAK SPANISH WE SPEAK ENGLISH! The school he is attending is in the San Ysidro school district, it's a new school but if the district could get away with it they'd teach in Spanish. Well she got the message! When my son brought home some homework it was in both languages, NOMBRE etc. I was outraged! If I could afford it I'd send him to a private school. A lot of the parents don't speak english, we have filipinos and asians but they speak english so why is it that Mexicans feel they can't too learn english? Kids pick up on language quickly so I don't see the need for ESL classes in elementary school or for the need for teachers to be bilinguals. Maybe if the Spanish speakers would turn off their novelas and watch the English channels they might learn something new. I don't buy that BS that they are working 2-3 jobs and what not if that's so how is it they're mostly on welfare spending US tax dollars? I work extra with both my kids, the other is 3. so that they won't have be left behind. If I can spend my free time which is very little teaching my kids why then can't someone who doesn't speak english learn on their own time and teach their kids also? As long as the government does business in english as far as I'm concerned that is the official language of this country and the only language besides a foreign language class that teachers should do their lessons in.
    It is not fair to you or your child that they will get a mediocre education because everything will be repeated twice, in English, and Spanish. My brother is fortunate enough to send his son to a private school, but he has friends, and neighbors that are not, and he has helped organize a large parent group that is fighting the school for English only. From what I have heard, parents are actually sitting in on the classes to make sure the class is in English. If I were you, get a group together, and start fighting this, it has to be at the grassroots level because the politicians will not do anything. Take action!!!!!

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Do Permit the Republicans salp America in the FACE

    Please make a noise so a Republican Spanish Debate.

    The standard debates can be translated, just as easy.

    Remember the idiotic statement: "no humans are illegal"

    Call, write, fax, e-amail!
    "Calling illegal aliens 'undocumented immigrants' is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist' ...Greg Lease

  6. #16
    Expendable's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I have a question. Why can't the parents of that school demand to have everything the school sends out be printed in ALL languages? The costs associated with this would be crippling, and those crippling costs could easily be eliminated by simply using English only. Our kids have enough trouble learning English -which is the language of business, so why teach them "some of both(English/Spanish)?" This would atleast bring this to the attention of more Americans, and could get more on board to see that we are actually being invaded and colonized by a foreign country.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by sippy
    Welcome Owenbucks!

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    bumping up
    Just your ordinary, average, everyday, American mom!

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