I received this response when I complained to the DMV about the plate running around Medford OR. I think its offensive. If you think its Offensive then I would suggest all of you e-mail this lady at the Oregon DMV and Give your Reason why you think its offensive. As the DMV states they don’t allow offensive plate or plates others could take as Offensive.

And thank you if you choose to send an E-mail.

Sorry I meant to add the fact that this is the same DMV that gives Illegal's drivers licenses.

Mr. Bla
Your recent correspondence with Representative In Oregons office was forwarded to me for response.

We agree with the response you received from Representative form Oregons office. The plate could refer to the National Council of La Raza or simply be the phrase used by Latinos to identify themselves. We have examined the website of the National Council of La Raza, in which they state they are a private, non-profit and non-partisan organization focused on reducing poverty and discrimination. We reviewed the plate against the criteria in our rules for granting custom plates and found no basis to recall the plate.

I know this is not the response you were hoping for, but in reviewing this plate choice, DMV's Custom Plate Panel found nothing contrary to the guidelines currently contained in administrative rule.


Lori Bowman
DMV Vehicle Policy Manager