Pennsylvania has 19 members in the House, 11 D, 8 R. The Dems won 4 of those seats in 2006 in close defeats of GOP incumbents. Six R's and 2 D's have signed the SAVE Act.

Here are the 3 Dems elected in 2006 in GOP districts that haven't signed the SAVE Act, and the location of the districts. I'll have to post the local newspaper links later, unless someone wants to get a head start.

Joe Sestak, United States Navy Vice Admiral, PA 7th, Delaware County, Suburban Philadelphia. Here's a map of his district

Patrick Murphy, United States Army Captain, PA 8th, Bucks County.

Jason Altmire, PA 4th, Suburban Pittsburgh. Here's his website's link on the issue of illegal immigration

contact the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ... aspx?ID=40

I don't know the story with the 2 GOP holdouts, but they'll feel the pressure to come aboard if the Dems break ranks.