Fotocopy this flyer and post it near your area!

Today we march, tomorrow we make Mexico a sanctuary country!b]

In the past years, Mexico has become an anti-mexican country. Its policies have forced numerous mexicans to flee into the United States. Mexico has become an anti-mexican country by forcing its mexican people to become undocumented trespassers into the United States.

Help the undocumented immigrants have a place to live in peace and without the fear of immigration raids. Help us by marching to various Mexican consulates and demand that Mexico declares itself "Sanctuary" for undocumented immigrants living in the United States.

"Si se puede", "Yes we can". With your help we can turn Mexico into a country that welcomes people from Mexico. We can stop the suffering and fear the mexican people are living under. Help us make Mexico a place where people can go to work without fear, a place where people can live free from racism. Help the mexican people live in a place where they can speak Spanish freely. Where they can fly their flag with honor. Help them live in a country that grants them voting rights, work rights, and free speach rights by helping Mexico become a "Sanctuary" to mexicans.

Remember, in Mexico, no Mexican is illegal!