Hello! My [really OUR] web site is 3 weeks old (last Sunday 1-29), ! It's a lot better then it was 3 weeks ago but there is still room for improvement. I've got lots of ideas but limited time. So I want to spend my time on things people want to see, read, etc. per illegal immigration. If some of you would take a new look and make suggestions, here or there I would appreciate it.

You're past participation has already created a large list of sanctuary cities and nominations for the "HALL OF SHAME." I hope you noticed that I follow up on your suggestions -- so your time/energy isn't wasted.

Here is the link to the homepage: http://www.ojjpac.org

Tell me what you would like most but I don't have yet.

Tell me what's confusing.

Tell me what you don't like.

Tell me what you like.

The Goal is to make it the most effective educational and advocacy tool it can be and participate with ALIPAC on enforcement projects.

Thanks for your help! Steve