My husband is a police officer (at a college - State licensed) here and tonight he pulled over a car with 2 illegal aliens. He asked for driver's license and they produced a Mexican lic. He asked if they were here legally. (he can not stand what is going on with these people) They tried to pull the "no speak English" crap. He then said well I no speak Spanish and so I will call somebody who can help Border Patrol. Well what do you know, they speak English after all!!! Shocking He did call BP because he wanted them deported. BP showed up and the illegals told BP that they were petition for citizenship and were waiting. One 20 yrs the other 2 yrs. BP had to let them go due to past experience with the situation. They told my hubby that it was a waste of time to fill out all the paperwork and then when the case went to court it would be dismissed due to the status of waiting for the papers. BP told them basically shame on you for abusing our government. The BP agents that showed up said they were very frustrated with this but that until our government grew some balls that there was nothing they could do. I guess it's because they are not fresh meat coming across the border.

My husband told the illegal scums that he was putting it in the system that the next time they were pulled over by the police that they were to be taken to jail!!!! Trying to give them crap and scare them.

Oh-yeah, when he first mentioned BP the illegals said they wanted their attorneys. His response was BP is your attorney!!!

Anyway, I think that once the government grows those set of balls BP talks about, a lot of enforcement officers, whether local police or BP, will be less frustrated with the situation they have to put up with currently. I think that it would be easy to get them deported once the laws change. It might be a slow process but I think people would rather have slow than none at all. Everytime they are stopped by police put them on the fastrack for DEPORTATION.