Politicians Flouting E-Verify and Immigration Enforcement

Oct 27 2011

Don’t blow off mindless steam in comments or blogs; stop the unceasing complaining and aim your anger and frustration, at the politicians in Washington This chaos caused by unfettered immigration has not been just caused by the Obama administration, but former Bush, Clinton and others. THIS IS YOUR MONEY, TAXPAYERS MONEY–LEGISLATORS ARE SPENDING IN FINANCIALLY ACCOMMODATING ILLEGAL MIGRANTS AND IMMIGRANTS. On SPAN today I saw a smug featured Homeland Security Janet Napolitano making excuses for the Department Of In-Justice. Still informing us that our borders are secure, so why is Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina far from the border, fighting to save their small treasuries from Economic illegal aliens?

The inception of incessant immigration happened on Ronald Reagan’s dime, known as the 1986 Immigration Control and Reform Act (IRCA) also known as the Simpson-Mazzoli bill. It was apparent from the start that this systematic legalization didn’t work, but because of the loopholes involved the original estimated 3.5, turned into 6 million unauthorized persons whole claimed amnesty. Now our country through fraudulent and abuse we are now carrying an estimated 20 million through chain migration and the unceasing millions of illegal aliens who have broken border rules and 40 percent who over stayed legal visas. The main attraction is criminal minded business owners, who since 1986 have felt comfortably in hiring discount labor. This includes the villains in the farming industry, who have violated labor laws, by keeping wages low and attributing to poor living conditions. Agriculture must also carry the guilt in placing the weight of education for their children and family health care on taxpayers.

This is a brief description of the Simpson/ Mazzoli law:

• Requirement for employers to attest to their employees’ immigration status.
• Made it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit unauthorized immigrants.
• Granting amnesty to certain seasonal agricultural illegal immigrants.
• Granted amnesty to illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously.

The whole bill was a total disaster, as business owners has shown since that time, violated the law and ignored the American people. Both the Republicans and Democrats, pushed by the Liberals remained either ignorant to the fact or intentionally covertly assisted in this fiasco. The cost for this fraudulent outrageous experiment carried a price tag over a ten year period of $78 Billion dollars.

Today—an estimated for full immigration reform, Amnesty, as assessed by THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION, a mind blowing $2.6 TRILLION OF YOUR DOLLARS.

A labor economics Professor Vernon Briggs, of Cornell University stated:

“The toleration of illegal immigration undermines all of our labor; it rips at the social fabric. It’s a race to the bottom. The one who plays by the rules is penalized… a guest worker program guarantees wages will never go up and there is no way American citizens can compete with guest workers.â€