I walked into my local Miramar, FL post office today only to feel like I was in another country! They recently put up new menu/price signs with half in english and half in spanish. Mind, you I don't live anywhere near Miami or Ft. Lauderdale, no tourism in my area, no illegals hanging out on the corners, average home price $500k, very suburban. The spanish people who live in my area are all professional and fluent in english. My spanish neighboors fly the American flag, there's no latino movement in my area or anything like that. It's like they are forcing spanish down our throats!

I emailed the post office about why they would do this and how they are not helping immigrants to learn our language. Plus, I don't want my tax dollars spent on non-english signs. Why don't they have signs in german, french, etc. too? I'm sure I'll get some canned response.

Anyone else see this happening in their towns?