So I'm bored and soccer is on. Just what I need to get some flash backs of my childhood when umbra and addidas were popular and I kicked balls on the U-12 team. I turn on ABC to see a gripping contest between Iran and Mexico it's 1-1 with 15 minutes to go.

Suddenly Mexico breaks out a score to 1up the Iranians and the crowd goes insane, almost like they were in Mexico. Startled I began to scrutinize the attendees closer then the camera man zoomed in and panned along the stadium. 85% was covered in Mexican flags, sombreros and shirts. I thought mexicans were dirt poor. Isn't that why they cross the border by the hundreds of thousands every month?

The announcers start talking about how Mexican fans and the press are irate that two non-mexican born citizens are starting on the country's team. They are both now citizens but have been enduring negative press in their new home country.

Then a second Mexican goal this one was assited by one of the foreigners who moved to Mexico to play soccer (argentinan I think). I could hear the hispanic announcers all over the US and Mexico screaming GOALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! But this raises some serious questions. What message are Mexican citizens trying to send by their dominating pressence in Germany?