Quote Originally Posted by jtdc View Post
Boomslang apparently doesn't believe that!

"They should not have to fight job discrimination in the work place." Nobody should, but just like with women, they can't just be given a job that they aren't suited for to meet some politically correct scheme.

"They should not be targets of the War on Drugs." Just let the problem solve itself?

"They should not be trapped in no-job slave cabins in inner cities." In Orange County, CA, they are going back and forth with what to do with homeless encampments. Do we just do away with the inner cities? I grew up in the suburbs. I can't envision the inner city being a healthy environment to grow up in.

"They should not have to fight to protect their voting rights." You buy into that belief that legal people can't vote?

"They should not be at the bottom of the pay scale. They should not be at the bottom of per capita income or median household income." We've had discriminatory laws trying for years to undo that imbalance with no luck.

"They should not be in poverty at twice the rate of whites." So socialism is the answer?

"They should not have to fight an illegal alien or immigrant for a seat in college or for a job that can sustain them." No American should!

"They should not have to fight for schools without broken plumbing and leaky roofs." Unfortunately, much of what I have seen is they will reduce it to that!

"They shouldn't be gunned down in their own backyards because they have a cell phone." Unfortunately, when the police say "halt", they should halt. I don't want to get into that incident because the information I have seen, the police were not justified in shooting.

"They shouldn't be subjects of these types of conversations because this should all be fixed by now and their struggles against race-based inequality and injustice should be over." But it is not, so we are!

"And I believe Trump will be the one to finally fix it. I sure hope so anyway." I hope you are right! But Boonslang doesn't think so.

PS: It amazes me that you were able to get all of that out of the one sentence that boomslang wrote.
Why would black Americans and women not be suited for jobs?!!! You are concerned with a fallacy. Sure, there may be some physical work that some women aren't suited for due to lack of strength, but that would not apply to black men. Otherwise, I can't think of any job that blacks wouldn't be "suited for".

Black Americans use drugs at the same rates as whites and in fact in certain groups like pregnant women use them less. So why are our prisons filled with black Americans on non-violent drug charges 6 to 1 compared to whites? The War on Drugs turned out to be a race war. That's why our prisons are full of blacks and the drug business grows steadily each year completely unimpeded. That's why we need to end the War on Drugs, legalize, regulate, educate, tax and rehabilitate.

Your environment in Orange County may leave you with a void about black people, because practically speaking, there aren't many blacks in California. In fact, California while our largest state has a very small black population. California's black population is 6.5%, less than HALF the national rate of 13.5%. California's Hispanic and Latino population is 39%. Your Asian population is 14.8%. These two minority groups comprise a majority of your state mostly from legal and illegal immigration. Those are discriminatory numbers, meaning the majority of your state deliberately deploys racist practices with population growth from groups hostile to blacks, a fact we know, to limit black American normal development in California, which shuts them out of equal opportunity access to the world's 6th largest economy of California. Ironic that our most "liberal" blue state is without question our most racist state against black Americans.

I believe that when you allow illegal aliens and immigrants to vote you are canceling out the vote of all Americans, including black Americans, but in order to fix that, it creates new issues for a lot of Americans, including if not especially for black Americans.

No, our anti-discrimination laws that were supposed to be passed to protect the rights of black Americans, were diverted to Hispanics and other minority groups. That sad state of affairs is no better exemplified than in the state of California. Hispanics are Caucasian. Using anti-race discrimination laws for any Caucasian, let alone hordes of them, is why the programs have had "no luck".

No socialism is not the answer. Socialism isn't even the request. Black Americans have never asked for socialism. That's the immigrants from socialist seeking countries who asked for that. Black Americans have never been the ones asking for something for nothing. When policies stole their jobs and handed them out to illegal aliens and Caucasian immigrants, socialism was all that left for many of them. It should also be noted that 2/3 of all poverty-spending in the US is paid to or paid on behalf of white people and I can't wait to them off of welfare.

Correct. No American should compete with an illegal alien or excess legal immigrant for anything.

You have seen black Americans break the plumbing and tear up the roofs of their schools?!!! Fascinating, please do tell me more!

Correct, and from what I've seen, none of these shootings of the unarmed were justified. Yet no one has gone to jail, because the juries or judge issued acquittals. Refusing to "halt" shouldn't give a police officer the right to kill you, and I don't think it does. Yet, it happens a lot, especially to black Americans. That's a wanton disregard for the lives.

Correct. It is not over, so we are still talking about it. SAD!!

Trump is going to fix it from the ground up. Get the illegal aliens out of here, reduce legal immigration, bring our jobs back, deregulate and cut taxes to make them want to come back and stay here, fix our bad trade deals so our own industries with the good jobs and benefits can grow which together with the reduction in immigration levels will generate millions of good jobs for Americans, including black Americans which improves their lives and futures, solves housing and survival issues, reduces forced dependency on welfare programs, opens up seats in colleges and universities, removes illegal aliens from our public school system which opens up attention and priority for American Kids including black Americans, makes more money available for better smaller schools which with all the jobs available at the end of graduation from high school provides incentive and motivation to do well in school so they can get a good job after graduation or go on to college, depending on what they want to do.

Trump's got this. And he will fix it, with black votes or without. It would be nice for more black Americans to support him, but it's okay if they don't. It will happen either way, it would just be easier for him to achieve more with their support. But it's their choice.

We're in a very exciting time in our country! We're fixing it!