Fire Uncle Sam--says "Freedom is never more than one generatin away from extinction. It is not passed on through the blood stream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on to them to do the same."

Judy--says "Remember Americans, who you are and what you were born to do. You were born to preserve the United States".

Ronald Reagan--says "A Nation Without Borders Is Not a Nation".

Patrick Henry--says "Give me Liberty or give me Death".

Ed Murrow--says "You can not defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

I want everyone to play a game right now. I want you to pretend it's October 2008. I want you to pretend that 9/11 never happened. I want you to pretend that the USA has not invaded Afghanistan or Iraq. I want you to pretend that Katrina never happened. I want you to pretend that the USA is still the leader in exports of manufactured goods including high technology exports. I want you to pretend that GM and Ford and our Airlines are all still Solvent and Profitable Companies. I want you to pretend that our population is 250,000,000 instead of 304,000,000; that our borders have been secured and our US Immigration Laws have been enforced. That is the condition of the USA as you enter the Voting Decision Period.

Candidate One for President Promises:

1. In the event of an attack, I promise to take my time to gather my thoughts before I contact NORAD to execute our Air Defense System Protocol.

2. In the event of an attack, I promise to rush to invade countries that I think are responsible without proof that they are.

3. In the event of a national disaster, I promise to wait several days before executing federal relief and assistance to our states and communities.

4. I promise to globalize our economy and transfer power over it to an organization called the WTO presently based in Geneva Switzerland.

5. I promise to open the borders of the USA to all trading partners and transfer authority over immigration into the USA to the WTO.

6. I promise to transfer authority over our domestic laws and public policy laws to the WTO to ensure that none of our civil rights, liberties, freedoms, protections or individual rights interfere with the business interests of the corporations involved in international trade.

7. I promise to use immigration to increase our population at rates faster than our country can absorb and assimmilate; to flood our labor market; to deflate wages and salaries of our citizens; to increase poverty; to increase the income gap between rich and poor; to eliminate the middle class; and increase our national and personal debt to levels that can never be repaid.

8. I promise to create an environment world wide that encourages the relocation of our manufacturing base to other countries so that the USA will no longer be a production based economy; no longer the top exporter of durable and high technology goods; no longer the leader of industry in the world.

9. I promise to push legislation that will strip Americans of their rights to due process; rights to an attorney; rights to phone calls; rights to legal search and seizure; rights to privacy.

10. I promise that if you are arrested without probable cause but only on my suspicion of guilt of something "combatantive", that you will be locked up; detained; without any rights; indefinitely; at unknown locations; somewhere in the world.

11. I promise that if I have reason to suspect you of something that I will spy on you, your phone calls, your communications, and anything else I want to spy on without probable cause; a warrant; or anyone's knowledge but those involved in the spying effort and further promise that you will never know who I spied on; why I spied on them; what I learned from the spying; or how I used this information.

12. I promise that I will use torture whenever I believe it is warranted to obtain information and confessions.

Candidate Two for President Promises:

1. I promise to uphold the laws and constitution of the United States and preserve all civil liberties, freedoms, protections, and individual rights of the American People.

2. I promise to defend and secure our borders and enforce US Immigration Law to the fullest extent possible to preserve our population to sustainable successful levels; protect our labor market; protect the wages and salaries of Americans.

3. I promise to ensure our manufacturing companies have the best environment possible to maintain their operations in the US and will discourage relocation of these companies to other countries.

4. I promise to do everything within my power, our laws and system to keep the USA a production based economy; a leader of industry; and the top exporter of manufactured and high technology products.

5. I promise that as soon as our Air Space has been violated I will contact NORAD immediately and execute our Air Defense Protocol to protect Americans.

6. I promise never to invade another nation and place Americans at risk in war until I have completed a thorough investigation that proves beyond reasonable doubt that the nation to be invaded was responsible; deserves retaliation; and the outcome of war is in the best immediate interest of the American People.

7. I promise never to spy on Americans without probable cause and a warrant or if exigent (emergency) conditions exist, to file for a warrant simultaneously with the action.

8. I promise never to torture anyone to secure information or a confession because under tortourous conditions, that informaton and confession may be unreliable.

9. I promise that as soon as Americans are in harm's way from a national disaster and need rescue, that I will deploy federal resources immediately to perform such rescues and will never wait days as people suffer and die.

10. I promise that I will never blame someone else for something I failed to do or something I did that was wrong.

Which Candidate would you vote for, Candidate One or Candidate Two?

If you voted for a candidate that you thought was Candidate Two and found out that he was Candidate One after the election, would you keep him or throw him out?

Then what in the hell are you waiting on? ... eed745/341