There's one glaring factual error in the "illegal [space] alien" costume and that's the presence of a GREEN CARD! If you have a REAL, bona-fide, US-issued "green card" then you're NOT illegal. This may be the source of some confusion on the part of those protesting the costume, as it lumps illegal aliens in with legitimate immigrants. It would have been better if the document accompanying the costume had been labeled something like"Fake SS Card" or "Matricular Consular."

A second "error" - one not widely known - is that extra-terrestrials are EXEMPT from the Immigration and Nationality Act. It's true...somebody actually put that into the law a few decades ago so that space aliens wouldn't be ILLEGAL aliens. No one wanted to ban Klatu or Gort [see: The Day the Earth Stood Still - original 1951 movie] from US soil if they decided to pay us a visit. [/b]