We will march and riot and burn cities to the ground and in the end, we will get our way
When all hell breaks loose and it will (those two examples above are just the beginning), there isn't enough law enforcement or National Guard to stop the hordes which will include drug runners and terrorists.

I don't know, but this sounds like an act of aggression against the United States.

The words above were spoken by Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the La Raza Unida political party. His full comment was: "We have an aging white America ... They are dying ...We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."

Every American and legal alien should watch a few of these videos to see exactly what the "Mexica Movement" is all about and exactly how serious these invaders are; see here and here. Must see videos and articles!
As Professor Gutierrez is proposing killing gringos, the message from Cienguegos becomes crystal clear. Make no mistake about it and I said it in my last column: millions of illegals are blatantly shoving their lawlessness right in our faces with the backing of cowardly politicians at all levels. The talk all week on cable and radio has been about the November elections and how the Republicans can't afford to alienate the Latino vote. Not about the law, not about the massive destruction to our country from this invasion, just protect their political butts at all costs. Yellow bellied cowards.

Books and publications by Professor Gutierrez:
El Político: The Mexican American Elected Official (El Paso: Mictla Publications, 1972); A Gringo Manual on How to Handle Mexicans (Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico: Imprenta Velasco Burkhardt, 1974); A War of Words (co-authored) (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1985); The Making of a Chicano Militant: Lessons from Cristal (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 199; My Struggle for the Land: Autobiography of Reies López Tijerina (translated and condensed, (Houston: Arte Publico Press, forthcoming); and, a revised and expanded edition of A Gringo Manual on How to Handle Mexicans (Houston: Arte Publico Press, forthcoming). He also has written several articles and chapters over the years, the most recent being "Chicano Music: The Politics and Evolution to 1950," for an anthology edited by Lawrence Clayton for Texas A & M University Press, forthcoming; "Binacionalismo en el siglo XXI: Chicanos y mexicanos en los Estados Unidos," Fondo Editorial Huaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico, forthcoming; "Experiences of Chicana County Judges in Texas Politics: In Their Own Words," Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies, 20:1, Spring 1999; and, "Los dos Mexicos," Extensiones: Revista Interdisciplinaria de la Universidad Intercontinental, Mexico D.F., Mexico 4:1 y 2. 1997.

He currently is at work on three manuscripts: A Chicano Manual on How to Handle Gringos; Chicano Leadership: Local Elected Officials in Texas, 1950-2000, which is based on 157 oral history interviews he conducted between 1996 and 2000; and, Tracking King Tiger: The Federal and State Government Surveillance of Reies López Tijerina and the Land Recovery Movement.

During the mid-1960s through the Chicano Movement and to the present time, Dr. Gutiérrez was lead organizer, founder and co-founder of several organizations such as the Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO), Mexican American Unity Council (MAUC), Ciudadanos Unidos, Obreros Unidos Independientes, La Raza Unida Party, Winter Garden Project, Becas Para Aztlán, Oregon Council for Hispanic Advancement, Northwest Voter Registration and Education Project, and Grupo de Apoyo para Immigrantes Latin Americanos (GAILA). He has been the subject of many articles and film documentaries, the most recent being the PBS three-part video series, CHICANO! The Mexican American Struggle for Civil Rights, and is mentioned in many Chicano history and political science books for his activism.