Could you imagine if 300 Million Tax Paying Voting Legal United States Citizens showed up to the poles and exersized there Right to Vote? Could You imagine if 300 Million Tax Paying Voting Legal United States Citizens Called, Faxed, Wrote Letters Showed up at Meetings with there Political Reps and asked the Hard Questions? A few of them would be Illegal Immigration, Heathcare, Jobs, Outsourcing, National Security. Its time for us to get off our collective backsides and STIR THE POLITICAL POT. Lets put these Elected (BY US) Officials on the hotplate for not listening to us. If they had listened in June they wouldn't have been trying all the new Slippery ways to Spoon Feed Us Amnesty for the Illegal Immigrants. Lets make these Politician earn there money and serve us for a change. Just some thoughts.
I would also like to bring up an example of priorities being messed up. Do you know I heard more about the deer here in Oregon named Snowball than I have heard about the issues of Illegal Immigration. I Love animals and dont get me wrong but we have to take this fight to Washington DC and not let these Political Reps win this Issue. Its up to US.