_These are comment I found in todays paper about the public questioning why the media covers Illegal against American but not Americans against Illegals.
I was happy to hear that the "silent majority are`nt actually that silent. _

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The Sun had another article about Congressman Joe Baca last week (re: "Bush, Latino leaders meet," by George Watson, April 26.) I find it interesting that The Sun can cover everything that Baca and the illegal-immigrant groups do, but find it hard to cover anything about the legal American citizen protest of illegal immigrants and their support for Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean. It's frustrating.
Now, to top it off, the EEOC is suing the Salvation Army for requiring that their employees speak English on the job site.

Can anyone tell me what is happening to America?

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Tail wagging the dog?
San Bernardino's few taxpayer citizens must be careful not to let the swish, swish sound of the tail attempting to wag the dog cloud their judgment. Am I the only one who read the April 26 article about the "crime expert" speaking (re: "Crime expert weighs in," by Robert Rogers) and got the impression from the remarks that the rhetoric was much like what you find in a fortune cookie? This "expert" was a member of the Carter administration in 1979.

If you remember Jimmy Carter's failed administration and what went on, or did not go on, during his administration, you can see from the article the double speak that went on during this "social services" event in which the speaker stated that "law enforcement must get softer and social service providers must get harder." Swish, swish.

I am really surprised that this 1979 presidential administration member did not try to inject that it is OK to pour our hard-earned money into supporting the illegal invasion of our country. As you listen to those who weigh in on the side of those who enter our country illegally, you have to wonder what their motivation is and how they justify stealing from our children and grandchildren.

These supporters of the theft of our kids' education have infiltrated deep into our society. Some sit on our school boards and praise each other for openly participating in the continual and blatant theft of our kids' education and future. This type of corruption of our school system is reminiscent of the images you saw or read about in Carter's time, when the American Embassy hostages were shuffled like pawns by the Iranian government.

This time, our kids are being held hostage by advocates for those who condone the deception and thievery. These advocates' sleight-of-hand tactics include bringing in goons to disrupt and insult the few school board members who would stand up for our kids (re: "Racism charges lead to walkout," by Charlotte Hsu, April 19). Swish, swish.

San Bernardino
