Public Service Announcements on FM Radio

I heard what might have been a public service announcement today.

Anyway it went like this. The radio announcer listed a bunch of War Rallies that are going to be held.

She listed the time, date, and street corner for several.

Then at the end she said the information was for all of those that wanted to attend or for those of you that would like to avoid the area.

or for those of you that would like to avoid the area.

or for those of you that would like to avoid the area.

This may be the angle we need to push when we contact the radio stations to sell them on the idea of a public service announcement. It gives them a way out of sorts.

I worked with a group for a while that had some luck in getting AM radio and some TV coverage but on the most part the FM band has seem to distance itself from things like this in recent history. In the sixties they helped get the message out on all sorts of things. Maybe they are now going to open back up to, We the People.

Next time you phone or email your local station about a public service announcement keep this in mind when you make your pitch.

Push the warning the public angle.

Those that want to attend will have no trouble figuring out where to go no matter if your rally is going to be at a street corner, Day Labor Site, Town Council Meeting or your Congressman or Congresswoman’s Town Hall Meeting.

We are going to have to restore law and order in our government before we can restore law and order in our streets.