I just got off the phone with Congressman Stephen Lynch's office. He represents the 9th district in Massachusetts. (phone) 617-428-2000

I'm not sure of his official position on Illegal immigration, although the lady I spoke to "Anne" Said he's in favor of comprehensive immigration reform. I'm guessing this means he's going to side with Kennedy and McCain.

I want to do something to get the word out to my neighborhood. Can someone please advise me on this? Do I paper the neighborhood with flyers? I'm feeling like they're just going to give these parasites a free ride in this country.

PS: I watched Lou Dobbs' show last night in Hazelton, PA called Broken Borders. You guys were right, he's amazing and unflinching about the situation, it's nice to have a voice like his on CNN.

OK, I have to call my local Radio Station. Jay Severin's show is on and I need to get this information out on the air.