Wednesday, May 11, 2016 6:24

The vast majority of us in the Independent Media are thrilled that Donald Trump is the “presumptive” nominee for the GOP in the upcoming Presidential race. However, as I privately speak to my media colleagues, to some degree, we all have the same foreboding. What should be a time of celebration combined with the hard work of getting ready for the challenges of getting ready to defeat the American Hitler of our time, Hillary Clinton, we instead are worried about what is coming.

I knew the moments that Trump appears to have won, that our real challenges would come our way. It is in that perspective that I figured out why Donald Trump has not been assassinated as was RFK at his high water mark. Magically, and perhaps spiritually Trump has united a country around not accepting leadership that doesn’t put Americans first. This means stopping the devastating impacts of free trade agreements, stopping the inherent dangers associated with an unsupervised refugee-resettlement program, etc., etc.

The lead up to the primary nomination process made me fully realize how much “we the people” have become “we the Godless corporations” our country and government have become. I am shocked that so many people don’t believe, or understand, how the globalist/corporate interests which run in opposition to the American middle class are not going to go away. They are going to fight to keep what they have already won. They have not killed Donald Trump, because the nation is now filled with millions of Donald Trumps.

Even if you do not support Donald Trump, if you are an American who supports “America first” kind of rehotric and are a member of any traditional part of the middle class, you are an enemy of the state and if the criminal elite get their way, you and yours will be done away with.

Our Modern-Day Shot Heard Around the World

Prior to the full outbreak of hostilities which lead to the American Revolution, the British did what any occupying force would do, they tried to seize the guns from the disgruntled colonists. The British were only interested in taking guns and killing any opposition to that endeavor.

Today, America is fast approaching a new “Lexington and Concord”, but this Lexington and Concord is not going impact two villages. It is going to threaten every man, woman and child in the country. However, the globalists have shown their hand. They are after a lot more than our guns. They are after our way of life, our institutions, our faith in God and if we do not conform to their flavor of tyranny, they are after us.

Massive military movements continue and this process seems totally independent of the Trump movement

Perhaps these massive military equipment maneuvers are mere preparations for World War III and they are not meant to be used against the American people. However, the abovementioned does not explain away the UN vehicles that are present on our soil.

The United Nations Is positioning for the takeover of the United States. These kinds of pictures are still being taken all across our Southern underbelly.

Sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words. Traitor John Kerry, illegally signed the unconstitutional UN Small Arms Treaty which gave UN forces the authority to resurrect a multitude of new Lexington and Concords.

This is coming, our enslavers are not going to let Trump and his people just grab the reigns of power. They are going to fight and anyone who does not understand this is naive.

The movie, Amerigeddon, to be released on May 13, captures a wide-cross-section of the threats facing the American people in the midst of the populist revolution we find ourselves in.

Read more at : Plan B to Stop the Trump Movement Is in Effect | Police State