The Bishop of Denver one Charles C. Chaput has an opinion piece in today's Denver paper defending illegal immigrants. As you may know there was a cop killed by an illegal who is probably now in Mexico. Talk radio in Denver has been abuzz with callers who are fed up with illegals.

The Bishop talks about hypocrisy in his piece. The Bishop should look in the mirror.

The Bishop was present at the funeral for the fallen officer yet this Bishop gives sanctuary to illegal immigrants. I have posted about this Centro Juan Diego in downtown Denver. It was supposedly built by donated funds but how much of it was Anglo donated funds? This center is not for anglo or Black Catholics but Hispanics.....yes use the Spanish language to build a church within a church. This angers many longtime English speaking Catholics. They use this center for jobfairs, SBA meetings and God knows what else.

I have my own personal complaints with this Bishop and the church itself.
My own wife is a LEGAL immigrant from South America. I approached this bishop asking him if he could help my wife's family in South America.
How did he respond? He told me "..did you try and raise the money yourself?" He showed no concern over why we were asking for financial help or what the situation was with my wife's family. He basically blew me (No, Bishop I didn't try and raise the money myself which is why I am asking you!) off. I also has asked him and their schools for financial aid to send my daughter to a Catholic school and again, no response. These things are not related directly to illegal immigration but my point is that they, the Church, want to present this image of piety and holiness and goodness, yet you ask them for something and they blow you off. They can spend millions to pay off sexual abuse scandals, pay the Head of Catholic Relief Services $195,000 a year and some non priest employees up to $150,000 a year yet you approach them and they ignore you. Always ready for a donation however.

Anyway, by offering the mass in Spanish they are buidling a seperate church within the church. I though the idea of diversity was to bring people together? How can you do that when one group does not want to learn the dominate language?

BTW Two of my wife's nieces were suffering from malnutrition when I met them last year. I don't expect any help from the this Catholic Bishop and I was probably a fool for asking and even they did offer something now I would say no thanks. They want you to bow down to them as if they were a bunch of Gods or something. I just mention these things here in this forum so you can hear of my experiences with this organization. They talk about the bible but I don't think they practice much of what they preach.