Trump needs to keep on doing all the things he's working on in the Executive Branch. To me, he's done more behind the scenes to help our cause in the short and long run than any President in my lifetime, so he just needs to keep on, keeping on, and announce it when it's finalized. I love the new USMCA that raises wages dramatically in Mexico which will reduce "economic" migration from Mexico. I love the new Remain in Mexico policy he's been negotiating for months to counter that "OTM", Other Than Mexicans, free dance into the US. I love the efforts he's had with Mexico in convincing them to use their money to help build economic opportunity in Central America, $30 billion over the next 6 years. I love his position of withholding or refusing to distribute our economic aid to these countries and Mexico until they demonstrate efforts to secure their own countries and people to stop migration into the US. I love the Travel Ban, and hope he can expand that to include other countries that are responsible for high levels of illegal migration into the US. I love the new regulation he's working on that will curb green cards being issued to anyone including illegal aliens who are or would become a public charge or welfare user in the US. And there's many others, but those are some of the really big ones.

That said, I believe we need walls in many locations and I love the President's plan to use unspent funds and the military to build it. Army Corps of Engineers designs the walls being built now, so the military is already involved. And I love that concertina wire the military put up to stop the caravans. That stuff is beautiful.