U.S. Government Continues To Silently Endorse Saudi Diplomats’ Virtual Enslavement Of Domestic Workers In Virginia

May 29, 2013 by Ben Bullard


About a month ago, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) began investigating the escape of two Filipino women from a mansion in a Washington, D.C., suburb occupied by a Saudi Arabian diplomatic contingent.

The women had apparently been held in a condition of domestic servitude approximating slavery — something common back in theocratic, male-dominated Saudi Arabia.
Diplomatic immunity reigned supreme in the ensuing investigation, and very little new information has been — or likely ever will be — revealed about that case. The two women, who had been working 14 hours a day, seven days a week without pay and living among the Saudi military attaché after their passports allegedly had been taken from them, ended up in protective custody after escaping. A Saudi embassy spokesman in the United States clammed up when pressed about what was going on in the house.
Now, another alleged foreign national has come forward with a similar human trafficking story, relating how she was essentially kidnapped into domestic slavery at another Virginia home occupied by Saudi diplomats in the Washington suburbs.

NBC 4 in Washington interviewed the woman, speaking under the assumed name of Sheila, by phone. A Kenyan, she had arrived legally in the United States by way of Saudi Arabia on a work visa. Until she established a tentative Facebook communication with an area man, after briefly interacting with him on an Internet page for Kenyans living in the area, she had no contact with the outside world. She wasn’t allowed to go outside. With her passport illegally confiscated and the clock ticking on her work visa, she said, where would she go?

Her escape happened after she agreed to make a break for it with the help of the Facebook associate, whom NBC 4 dubbed “Marikio.”
The rescue ended up being a harrowing one — particularly, Marikio said, because he knew if he called 911, he risked a chance that Sheila’s boss could convince police to arrest him instead, because he was in the country illegally.

Still, Sheila — wearing a head scarf and a veil — ran from of the lobby of Skyline Towers on Seminary Road and jumped into his car. It was the first time the two had met.

Marikio said Sheila was gaunt and in obvious pain. She told him she was hemorrhaging from an untreated medical condition. He told her to go back inside and get her passport, and he’d take her to a hospital.

“She was sick, and she was shaking, and the police asked her, ‘Do you want an ambulance?’” Marikio recalled. “She said yes and the ambulance came.”

But, Marikio said, when she went back for her passport, she was held by the family she worked for.

“She went back, the guy was holding her. He was still holding hostage. She was screaming with her cell phone. … I say, ‘Go out!’”

Said Sheila, “I was afraid, because maybe they could have killed me. Because they have taken all my documents. They have taken my passport.”

Police officers ordered the boss to return the passport, and he did. Sheila then received medical treatment.

These diplomats are people whom both current and previous Presidential Administrations continue to embrace, with nary a comment on their subversion of Constitutional freedoms, both in spirit and in fact, as guests in the United States. While immune from criminal prosecution, Saudi diplomats/kidnappers could, in theory, reasonably expect some form of faceless public excoriation from American leaders of the sort that would bring shame on their behavior while in this country.

But instead, Americans get to hear about it on the local TV news, and from conservative websites like TheBlaze, with no national exposure for the culture of domestic islamofascism being perpetrated with the silent approval of the American government.
