I think some of us underestimate the facts and blatant evidence that there is no serious interest in controlling, solving or eliminating the illegal immigration problem, especially anything having to do with Mexico. Logic, common sense, all of that goes out the window. Look at Arizona: the moment State officials decided to enforce immigration laws, it face the possibility of a federal lawsuit! What does that tell you?

Mexican illegals seem to be a protected class in the U.S. Maybe that has a lot to do with trade agreements, NAFTA, deals with Mexico, who knows. One thing seems certain: there is little or no interest in fixing the huge illegal immigration problem. There is a lot of very strong and influential opposition and a lot of businesses both large and small using illegal immigrants to make money.

But here's the real root of the problem: numbers!

What do you do with some 15 million illegals? Deport them all? That's not going to happen. They're more likely to get amnesty or some sort of permit to stay and work in the U.S. and then from there, some other way to get a green card. The odds are in their favor despite what the majority of Americans think is right or want. If massive deportations were carried out, just think about the millions of American bleeding hearts that would be outraged and they would be protesting right alongside millions of illegal immigrants! Translation: a big mess!

Sadly, Americans may have to simply get used to living with illegal immigrants and illegal immigration related problems, including risks to life, health, education, property and society. Additionally, changes in demographics, culture and even customs. Mexicanization of the U.S. has been going on for decades now so, down the road, your grandchildren might be living in a massively bilingual, Spanish/English speaking MexicAmerica! I know that sounds like a nightmare but you'd be surprised how many people don't see anything wrong with that!

Seriously, in order to solve the problem once and for all, the authorities would have to expel millions of illegal aliens from the U.S. and there is no way that's going to take place. We're just not that kind of country or people. North Korea? Yes. China? Sure. Not the U.S.A.


It’s way too many people! It would take too much time, too much money, too much effort, huge staff, tons of paperwork, consensus, space, law enforcement, etc. and it would all result in tens of thousands of wrongful action and racial lawsuits, too many street protests and violence, etc.
Mathematically speaking, things don’t look so good either. Even if they deported 1000 illegals a day, which is nearly impossible, you take 15,000,000 / 1000, it would take 15000 days divide that by 365 = 41 years. That’s deporting 7 days a week with no holiday breaks! No way!

They'd have to deport 10,000 individuals a day in order to clean the mess in less than 5 years. Or 100,000 each day to totally clean house in record time. And, if the borders weren't secured, many would simply return through smugglers and use whatever methods available to them to get back into the U.S.

Mass deportations is simply not going to happen because of the huge implications, labor shortage, foreclosures, rentals, loans, school children, anchor babies, required medical care to maintain life, revolts, family protests, ACLU, injuries, lawsuits, humanitarian concerns, image around the world, politics, opposition, immigration lawyers losing their bread and butter, etc.

So, guess what? The problem simply grew too big and it has become a nightmare and like a virus, it just keeps multiplying, especially with marginal border security in place. The consequences are visible in both Arizona and California.

Of course, illegals already know that there is strength in numbers, especially illegals from south of the border. There isn't enough staff to handle massive daily deportations and where are you going to contain all those people and still treat them fairly and humanely according to law? The fact that anchor babies have automatic U.S. citizenship only makes things worse in terms of separating citizens from non-citizens? Who’s going to take care of children under 18 if their parents get deported?
Besides, when you mess with people's families, legal or illegal, things can get very ugly. As you can see, solving the illegal immigration problem is not that simple. 20 years ago it would have been much more manageable than today. Now it’s out of control. If the entire U.S. was the size of Arizona, imagine what 15 Million illegals would represent?
It's like this:

That's probably the reason why "amnesty" makes more sense than massive deportations. Don't take me wrong, I don't believe illegals should be rewarded and placed ahead of would-be legal immigrants but considering the facts, I highly doubt that they will all get deported. I think deportations are and will be directed primarily towards violent criminal types but no the general garden variety illegal out there.

The other aspect to all of this is that we’re dealing with human beings with hopes, dreams and feelings just like the rest of us. Yes, they are breaking the law 24/7/365 as long as they’re working and living illegally in the U.S., but not all illegal immigrants are driving drunk or committing serious crimes outside their immigration law violations. Many have great kids who do well in school, who love this country and regret that they were put in this predicament by their parents who also don’t particularly enjoy the situation they’re in. Dang, some of them do great work on cars, construction, fast food service, hotels, landscaping, janitorial, etc.

If they can’t all be deported, what’s the solution then? OK. Send Mexico a bill for all the costs associated with each illegal it encourages to cross the border. Have Mexico pay for their education, health care, anchor baby births, property damage, attorneys fees, College tuitions, scholarships, ESL, immunizations, emergency room costs, DUI defense and damages, legal aid fees, court fees, incarceration and deportations fees, etc. up until the time that they become legal in the country. Pass all the costs associated with the millions of Mexican citizens who are living illegally in the country back to their own Government.

Do you think Mexico would honor the invoices and pay on Net 30 days? Do you think we would even dare bill Mexico for anything? Now consider the conversion rate from pesos to dollars! If Mexico paid for the expenses of its own illegal population in the U.S., then it would better understand what illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers. Not to mention all the lives that have been lost at the hands of violent or stupid drunk criminals that should never have been allowed into the country in the first place.