Please alert the local media so Americans can find out how these Reconquistas demand that the Hispanic Scholarship Fund gives financial aid to illegal aliens. Their little stunt will certainly gain some backlash from the American taxpayer.

"Ron Gochez"

Protest the discrimination of Undocumented students by the

Hispanic Scholarship Fund!
Join the Association of Raza Educators, and S.U.R.G.E Cal State LA as we join forces and DEMAND that the Hispanic Scholarship Fund open it's scholarship to Undocumented Students!
Fact--In 2008, HSF gave more money to Hispanic students than any other organization.

Fact--HSF refuses to allow undocumented students to apply to their scholarship even though it is lawful for them to do so.
What: Press Conference and Rally
Where: Hispanic Scholarship Fund Los Angeles Office, 700 S. Flower St. LA 90017
When: Thursday, October 9th 2008
Time: 4:30pm

The Association of Raza Educators and S.U.R.G.E. de Cal State LA believe that ALL students should have the right to attend college regardless of their citizenship status. Unfortunately, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) does not feel the same way. Last Year HSF raised over 26 million dollars in scholarships and did not allow ANY undocumented students to even apply for their scholarships. Join us in telling HSF that when representing Hispanics, they must include ALL of them.

Please sign our Online Petition: http://www.petition 2college/ petition. html

This action is also endorsed by: The Association of Mexican American Educators, Union del Barrio--Base Paulo Freire, Collation Against Militarism of Our Schools--CAMS, Frente Contra Las Redadas- South Central, MEChA de Santee, Somos Raza, Palisadians for Peace, School of the Americas Watch L.A., UTLA Chicano/Latino Committee, Collation for Educational Justice.
To endorse or for more information please email:
josexlara@yahoo. com or amarilloabc@