This is a vent, and a question or two mixed in with this.....

We are coming to an end to our time in this complex. The landlord just cannot stand not having his units empty, so he just lets them get filled, and I am pretty sure he does so without checking on who he fills them with.

We do not let our daughter just run around here. If she goes out it is to meet with a friend and stay with them or she must come home. However, she is going on 13 in October, and is sometimes not always following the rules.

Today for example. She met up with a girl who recently moved in. We do not know this girl yet, and our daughter was really not supposed to be with anyone besides the managers 13 year old daughter, who had gone off to church with her family.

So she comes back and states she will not do that again. Then she shares why. This girl, acquaintance with a guy in another unit, who is 23. This guy came over to the new friend and had this girl translate to my daughter. First he asked her age, she told him. Then he asked if she was wearing a thong! Next came the dirty talk, and him referring to her as like one of the girls in the sexy music video he was watching in his touch screen phone.

He asked her if she wanted to go out with him. When she sneered and said no, he started to walk off, but decided to turn and tell her that if she did not, he would come down here and tell us she was going out with him. Basically trying to threaten her to do so.

She walked away and came and told me this. So, I called local police. He sat here, hoping she would say he had shown her the pornographic material, then he could have gotten him on a crime. However he said, all that he could do was warn him, although he had tried to intimidate her into going out with him.

So how is this ok, and not a crime, to try to threaten or cooerce a child, a 12 year old girl? How can this not be punishable?

Someone explain to me how this kind of behavior, talk and to threaten her not criminal behavior, predatory and not be able to be treated so by the police?

We feel pretty sure that he is here, staying with family and not registered as living here with the landlord. Can I pursue this with the landlord and state that he is solely responsible for allowing this guy to reside here after this incident?