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    Rep. Tancredo excluded from Republican Leadership Conference

    Cong. Tom Tancredo was excluded from the list of invited speakers for the 2006 Southern Republican Leadership Conference. The Midwest Leadership Conference will join the conference. Republicans from
    twenty-six (26) states will be at the conference.

    Every other likely 2008 Republican presidential candidate was invited to speak. Please e-mail the Republicans listed below in an e-mail from Linda Muller of "For The Cause" ( ). Please ask these Republicans to request that Cong. Tancredo be invited to the conference.


    Dear Americans,

    This is a follow up to my email of October 5 regarding the Southern
    Leadership Republican Conference [SRLC] - - next spring in

    Thank you to all who sent letters and made calls to the SLRC. I include a
    few of them below.

    Seventy republicans including the open border advocates and all the major
    RINOs are on the agenda to speak. All potential 2008 presidential
    candidates are on the list.

    We were appalled to learn that Congressman Tom Tancredo, Chairman of the
    90 member Immigration Reform Caucus was not invited.

    The good news is I'm getting word your that effort is getting noticed by
    the organizers of the conference. Now is a good time to increase the
    pressure and contact even more people connected with the SLRC.

    Let's help them recognize how vital it is to Republicans for the issue of
    illegal immigration to be addressed at the conference and that the
    Republican most qualified to speak on that issue is Cong. Tom Tancredo.

    Below is my list of more people to contact. Send emails, faxes and make

    I will put this info on our site at today. If you can think
    of more people to contact send me their info and I'll post on our website.

    This is critical. We are close to getting Tom on the agenda. One more big
    push from all of us will encourage the SRLC to correct their error.

    After all, the credibility of the Republican Party hinges on this issue.
    There is absolutely no way the GOP can justify keeping Tom Tancredo off
    the conference speaker list.

    Help us spread the word. Please forward and publish this email everywhere.
    And remember to send me copies of your emails to the SRLC and others. I
    will publish some of them on our website.

    For the Cause, Linda

    PS - See some of your excellent emails below.


    Contact page on the Southern Leadership Conference's website:

    Chairman of the conference:
    Mr. Bob Davis:

    He is also chair of the Tennessee GOP
    Phone: 615-269-4260. Ext: 19

    Tennessee GOP Contact page:

    Tennessee Republican Party
    2424 21st Avenue, Suite 200
    Nashville, Tennessee 37212
    Telephone 615-269-4260 Fax 615-269-4261
    General Party E-mail:

    Two more people worthy of attention with regard to this conference are
    John Ryder, a Memphis attorney, and Anne Locke, Director of Special
    Projects for the Tennessee Republican Party. Each of them is working on
    the preparations for the conference.

    This is the SRLC web page containing their contact information:

    John Ryder - SRLC Director
    Harris, Shelton, Hanover, Walsh, PLLC

    Anne M. Locke - Director of Special Projects
    Tennessee Republican Party
    615-269-4260 ext. 27

    Two Tennesseans, Cong. William L. Jenkins (R- TN) and Cong. Zach Wamp (R-
    TN) are members of Cong. Tancredo's Congressional Immigration Reform
    Caucus. Both of them are invited speakers at the conference so it is a
    priority to contact them.

    Cong. Jenkins' website:

    Cong. Wamp:

    Others to contact:

    Senator Bill Frist (R-TN) - Senate Majority Leader
    E-mail Contact form on Web Site:

    DC Office of Senator Bill Frist
    202-228-1264 (fax)

    Nashville Office of Senator Bill Frist
    615-352-9985 (fax)

    Chris Devaney - Executive Director TN GOP
    Phone: 615-269-4260. Ext: 26

    Republican National Leadership

    Comment Line & General Information: 202.863.8790
    Phone: 202.863.8500
    Fax: 202.863.8820

    National RNC Chairman
    Ken Mehlman
    Phone: 202-863-8700
    Fax: 202-863-8774

    National RNC Co-Chairman
    Jo Ann Davidson
    Phone: 202-863-8545
    Fax: 202-863-8631

    RNC Political Campaign Operations
    Voter Programs
    Phone: 202-863-8600
    Fax: 202-863-8808

    RNC Finance Marketing
    Donor Programs
    Phone: 202-863-8720
    Fax: 202-863-8690

    RNC Strategy
    Phone: 202-863-8889
    Fax: 202-863-8885


    Here are just a few of your emails to the SRLC - some were edited for
    length. - fyi

    Subject: Re: [FTC] Help Get Tancredo on the List
    From: Tim R.

    LINDA ! These kinds of action items are EXCELLENT. I emailed half a
    dozen of the big shots, and left them phone messages too. Please post
    these action items again once or twice as we approach the conference's
    date. We will let them know we're out here!

    AGAIN, this is just what we need. Thanks for providing these Action Ideas.

    Warm Regards, Tim R.


    From: Anne J.
    Subject: Re: [FTC] Help Get Tancredo on the List

    Linda, I just got the RNC newsletter about the conference. I couldn't
    resist writing a response. Here is what I said:

    Dear Ken,
    I have seen the list of speakers for this conference. I am curious as to
    why Congressman Tom Tancredo isn't invited to speak at this Conference. I
    know for a fact that NC and VA are crawling with illegal immigrants and
    Tom' s platform has always been to stem the flow of illegals into this
    country and stop granting them privileges that, because they come out of
    American taxpayers' pockets should go to Americans only. If you have any
    influence, you might recommend that Tom Tancredo is invited to speak.

    PS - Linda, I also wrote to Mr. Davis regarding getting Tom on the list of
    speakers. Seems to me if puppets like Rick Perry and John Cornyn can
    speak, Tom should. I haven't re-registered with another party yet but I
    plan to. It is a disgrace that our leaders don't listen to the American
    people other than to pay lip service. They are selling us down the river.


    From: Angela S.
    To: Chairman Davis <>
    Subject: Congressman Tom Tancredo

    Dear Chairman Davis,

    My husband and I are a lifelong Republicans. We max out on contributions
    to Republican candidates. I volunteer for local Republican organizations.

    Currently, Tom Tancredo is not on the list of invited speakers to the

    It is reprehensible that the leaders of MY party ignore the issue of
    illegal immigration and show blatant disrespect for Congressman Tancredo.
    One of the very few in Washington who have earned our support.

    If Rep. Tancredo is not invited to the SRLC you can remove both my husband
    and me from the Republican membership list.

    I am disgusted.

    Sincerely, Angela and Tony S.


    From: Daneen P.
    Subject: FYI - On The SRLC Quest

    Linda, FYI - I sent the email below to following: and;;,,,,,,,

    Dear Chairman Bob Davis, Jr.,

    I find it incredible that Rep. Tom Tancredo has not been invited to speak
    at Southern Leadership Republican Conference [SRLC] which will be held
    next spring in Memphis. The issue of illegal immigration MUST be
    addressed at the conference, and the Republican most qualified to speak on
    that issue is U.S. Congressman Tom Tancredo - chairman of the 90 member
    House Immigration Reform Caucus..

    As a lifelong Republican from Summerdale, AL, I would strongly suggest
    that you include Mr. Tancredo as a speaker at the conference. If you do
    not, then the Republican Party will begin to lose MANY, MANY contributors
    and loyal members. Consider my plea as fair warning to you from those
    'card carrying' Republicans who are fed up with the Republican Party
    turning their backs on "We the People!" 'We will... like the
    'Elephant'... NEVER FORGET!


    From: Kathleen A.
    Subject: SRLC Conference

    Dear Chairman Bob Davis,

    The list of invited speakers for the upcoming SRLC will further serve to
    support the decision of many former Republicans, including me, to abandon
    the party.

    I receive solicitations and surveys, on a daily basis, from the GOP/RNC
    and other associated groups. The content of the recent surveys, on
    immigration issues, is insulting to those of us who have long realized
    that the Republican party has absolutely no intention of reforming the
    illegal immigration debacle that exists in this country. Consequently,
    numerous Republicans have no intention of wasting their time completing
    surveys or wasting their money (contributions) to perpetuate the GOP's

    If the Republican party has any hope of remaining the majority, I would
    strongly suggest that it put the quest for personal power aside, replace
    it with honoring the wishes of the voters. Follow Rep. Tancredo's lead in
    addressing, honestly and openly, the immigration debacle that is
    financially draining the American taxpayer, negatively effecting our
    educational institutions, infiltrating our country with drugs and crime,
    and, in the opinion of many, having the Republican party turning the U.S.
    into a third world country.

    When the subject of the reduction in campaign donations is addressed, my
    hope is that the above reasons outlined as the cause will be as obvious to
    your list of pro-personal power speakers as the Republicans' current
    agenda is to the multitude of "former Republicans."


    From: Margie T.
    Subject: Congressman Tom Tancredo - The People's Representative

    Linda, hopefully, Chairman Davis will get swamped with other such e-mails
    and realize that Congressman Tancredo is a "must have" speaker. After the
    fiasco of Harriet Miers nomination to the Supreme Court - the Republican
    Party's just been given a wake-up call by Conservatives that come next
    year - without our support - they have a good chance of being on their way
    out. Leaving Congressman Tancredo out of next year's conference will
    only add to our aggravation and defeat of Republicans at the polls.

    From: Margie T.

    Dear Chairman Davis,

    After reviewing your list of upcoming speakers at the Southern Leadership
    Republican Conference scheduled for next spring in Memphis, I was amazed
    to find that the name of Congressman Tom Tancredo was not included.

    Currently, I am a registered Independent who left the Republican Party a
    few years ago because I found it harder and harder to distinguish it from
    the values and views of the Democrat Party, a political entity I deeply
    despise. However, Congressman Tom Tancredo remains the vital link I have
    to your Party, and it's possible he could bring me back to the fold along
    with my husband and others who feel as we do..

    Congressman Tancredo - as the "people's nationwide representative" is best
    qualified to address these grave issues now affecting every aspect of our
    lives - must be allowed to bring these issues before your conference if
    the Republican Party has any hope of bringing Independents and others into
    the party. Especially, if they expect any of us to support those in our
    respective states who are up for re-election next year. Voting for the
    "lesser of two evils" is no longer an option, but sitting out an election

    I can assure you Chairman Davis that the concern Americans have regarding
    illegal immigration into the U.S. crosses all party lines. This is not a
    one-party issue nor is it Hispanics vs others because many Hispanics also
    are against illegal immigration. It is a national priority that no longer
    can be swept under the carpet by our two-party system. Congressman Tom
    Tancredo deserves a place on the SRLC's agenda. To ignore him, is to
    ignore us - the thousands of other voters "out there" in cities and towns
    across America. To do so - will be at the expense of the Republican

    Sincerely, Margie and Jay T.


    From: Jack
    To: <>
    Subject: Hate "Tancredo" Week

    Is it true the main topic of the Southern Republican meeting to be held in
    Tennessee is promoting Open Borders? Tom Tancredo, (R-CO) should be your
    main speaker, because no matter how you fight it, Illegal Aliens must go!

    I was a Republican, now I will vote whatever ticket Tom Tancredo makes his
    decision to run on.

    Unhappy American
    Meridian, Idaho


    From: Ron H.
    To: <>
    Subject: Southern Leadership Republican Conference in Memphis

    Mr. Davis:

    I'm sure you know by now that you may have inadvertently overlooked an
    important and widely popular Republican guest speaker to be included on
    your list of invited speakers on the subject of possibly the number one
    burning issue among Republican and conservative voters in America today
    and that is illegal immigration and the speaker is Rep. Tom Tancredo (CO).
    Please assure my fellow conservative and Republican party activists and me
    that you will take the necessary steps to rectify this inadvertent, but
    yet onerous omission.

    Your quick and courteous response to this letter is requested.

    Cordially, Ronald H. - Republican party activist
    Montgomery County, Texas


    From: Diane C
    Subject: SRLC inquiry

    Linda, I sent this email to the chairman and hopefully it will put in a
    good word! Tom Tancredo ought to be heard, it would be great to have him
    in the White House as Commander in Chief. We need him!

    Subject: SRLC inquiry


    Gov. Bill Owens, of CO and George Pataki, of NY are included in your
    conference as honored speakers.

    Since Tom Tancredo may be in the running for the presidential election in
    '08, (and for many other reasons important to the average American,
    whether or not they're republican), please include Tom Tancredo on the
    'guest list.'.

    The future of our country, politically, economically, and culturally,
    depends on listening to people like Tancredo, who may very well hold the
    key to our national security, and the future of the Republican Party.
    People want to hear what he has to say, they want the borders secured.

    Please invite him to your conference, and allow him to speak.

    Sincerely, Diane C.


    Subject: Help Get Tancredo in the [SRLC]
    From: Jim R.

    Hi Linda,
    Mr. Tancredo's exclusion from the Southern Leadership Republican
    Conference [SRLC] is a prime example of the kind of sophomoric peer
    pressure that most people outgrow after high school. Perhaps there are
    some insiders who secretly know we're going in the wrong direction but,
    they are afraid to contradict what has already been settled by the party
    mandarins who dole out prized committee chairs and pork projects.

    Tom Tancredo isn't a member of Lord Bush's court and has nothing to lose
    by pointing out that the Emperor has no fig leaf. That's why he wasn't
    invited to the Emperor's political fashion show at the SRLC.

    Jim R.
    Rockledge, FL


    From: Ron K.
    Linda - hope this helps.

    Subject: Tancredo
    From: Ron K.

    Dear Mr. Davis:

    I would like to suggest to you that Congressman Tancredo be included in
    the list of speakers at the Southern Republican Leadership conference.
    Tancredo speaks for millions of Americans who are fed up with the
    Administration's lax immigration and border policies.

    Many of us are upset that the party elites are going to continue ignoring
    these issues, and ignoring us, in order to get their checks from Tyson
    Chicken Company and the like Well, we do not have much money, but what
    we do have is votes. The elites need to pay attention because we can
    withhold votes as well or shop them elsewhere.

    These issues and national defense are number one for us. Everything else
    is off the table.

    Tancredo is our hero. You would do well to invite him and dump a couple of
    the blabbering elites.


    From: Jim N.
    To: <>
    Subject: Something Missing!

    I noticed on your list of states and speakers for your March 2006 meeting
    that you omitted Colorado Rep. Tancredo.

    The absence of Tom Tancredo as a speaker is a definite disgrace for the
    Tennessee Republican organization. Guess I should vote Democratic or


    From: Mark D.
    Subject: Request for SRLC Conference

    Chairman Davis,

    Please consider including Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colorado on the agenda for
    the SRLC. He is one of the best in the Republican Party and a hero to the
    85% of Americans who want our borders secured and illegal immigration

    If you refuse to give Rep. Tancredo, who is chairman of the 90 member
    Immigration Reform Caucus an opportunity to address the conference it will
    appear that the Republican party is not serious about immigration reform.

    It is a discredit to the party to leave him out of an event as important
    as the SRLC. Thousands of Tennessee Republicans, including myself want him
    to speak. Please do not disappoint us.


    Subject: SRLC Conference Suggestion

    Dear Chairman Davis,

    The Stupid Party is earning it's name again! Did you really believe no
    one would notice that you left Tom Tancredo off the list of speakers for
    the conference? Illegal aliens are the number one issue in the USA. You
    can't wish it, or Tancredo away by pretending they don't exist.

    Fortunately, most conservative members of the GOP are not stupid. Word is
    getting out on how the GOP leadership and organizers of the SRLC
    deliberately snubbed Tom Tancredo -- yet invited several open-border
    liberals and a long list of RINOs.

    Better get with the program or the democrats will win by default.



    Linda Muller - For The Cause
    See our FTC Email List
    Subscribe/Unsubscribe Form
    on the Website!


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    North Carolina
    Forgive me, Tancredofan, if I don't get real worked up about this but I was VERY disappointed to learn that Rep. Tancredo's proposal includes a guestworker program. That is NOT what I thought he stood for and that is not how he represented his position.

    If you could enlighten several of us who have been discussing this on another thread, we would appreciate it.


  3. #3
    JackSmith's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    The way I understand it Tancredo supports a Guest Worker program where the Mexican or Central America firstly MUST RETURN to his native country to apply for anything. The families of these guest workers CANNOT come here with them and they have to go home when the work is done! I think this is what the BRACERO program of the 50's was about. Bush's plan does none of this which is why it is amnesty.....

    Somebody clarify me if I am wrong on this....?

  4. #4
    JackSmith's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    The Republican party is on a disaster course in 2006 and 2008 and excluding Tancredo is another reason why. Angering stauncch REPUBLICANS who want border control may lead US to not vote for Hilary but we will refuse to vote for the REPUBLICAN candidate either?

    Example, right now, if Bob Beuaprez here in Colorado gets the Republican nomination I will not vote for him or the DEM!

    Pope George has already excommunicated Tancredo from the party for not towing the line...Tom voted against CAFTA too!

  5. #5
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    That's true. He DID vote against CAFTA. I do give him credit for a better proposal than any of the others so far BUT it still includes a guestworker program and I just don't think we should have a guestworker program until there is ZERO PERCENT UNEMPLOYMENT in the US.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bootsie
    Forgive me, Tancredofan, if I don't get real worked up about this but I was VERY disappointed to learn that Rep. Tancredo's proposal includes a guestworker program. That is NOT what I thought he stood for and that is not how he represented his position.

    If you could enlighten several of us who have been discussing this on another thread, we would appreciate it.


    Thank you for responding to my post.

    I am glad you brought up the subject of Cong. Tancredo's guest worker plan. I will be posting an article that extensively discusses H.R. 3333, Cong. Tancredo's comprehensive immigration reform legislation. In the next paragraph, however, I will make a few commentys myself about his guest worker plan that is part of H.R. 3333.

    Presently, there are scores of thousands of foreign nationals who enter the United States each year pursuant a variety of "H" visas issued to temporary workers. Under Cong. Tancredo's plan all varieties of temporary worker visas would be scrapped and there would instead be a single category of visa for temporary workers. Before any of these visas could be issued, however, border security and interior enforcement standards must be met. Further, the requirements for any foreign national obtaining any a visa would be much stricter than they currently are. H.R. 3333 would greatly reduce the flow of foreign temporary workers into the United States.


  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    North Carolina
    Thanks, Tancredofan. Will look forward to reading it. I was just so SHOCKED when I heard that because I really believed that he was NOT for a guestworker plan. I await your post.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    I await too Tancredofan. I wish Congressman Tancredo would consider eliminating that portion of his bill. We already have more people than jobs so it seems we do not need a GuestWorker Program at this time. If it replaces as you suggest the existing H1b, H2b and all this other nonsense, then it might reduce the flow of legal immigration presently flowing in.

    I see any GuestWorker Program as a way to if not now in future years to be used to flood the country.

    First we need to secure the borders, then deport all the illegals here now, then assess our situation and decide if we even need foreign workers in any large quantity. I'm sure we need them in certain communities for certain types of work, but in what quantities? I don't think the quantities being touted by business or Congress are really needed. If there is an easy vehicle, then employers will turn to guest workers instead of Americans which is what we are trying to stop.

    I think there is a good case to be made that we may need a few foreign workers in a few areas of work in a few locations...and we don't need any of them now.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    North Carolina
    This bill by Tancredo bears our investigation. I just don't think ANY OF US will be satisfied if the guestworker plan that he proposes looks anything like the ones proposed in the McCain/Kennedy proposal or the Cornyn/Kyle proposal.

    I sure won't rule out supporting Tancredo's plan until I see if it satisfies all of the issues that we find unacceptable.

    Did Tancredo vote FOR and AGAINST this increase in H1B visas???

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Judy
    I await too Tancredofan. I wish Congressman Tancredo would consider eliminating that portion of his bill. We already have more people than jobs so it seems we do not need a GuestWorker Program at this time. If it replaces as you suggest the existing H1b, H2b and all this other nonsense, then it might reduce the flow of legal immigration presently flowing in.

    I see any GuestWorker Program as a way to if not now in future years to be used to flood the country.

    First we need to secure the borders, then deport all the illegals here now, then assess our situation and decide if we even need foreign workers in any large quantity. I'm sure we need them in certain communities for certain types of work, but in what quantities? I don't think the quantities being touted by business or Congress are really needed. If there is an easy vehicle, then employers will turn to guest workers instead of Americans which is what we are trying to stop.

    I think there is a good case to be made that we may need a few foreign workers in a few areas of work in a few locations...and we don't need any of them now.

    At your convenience, please review the thread entitled "Rep. Tancredo's Comprehensive Immigration Reform Legislation". I would enjoy reading your opinion of the bill after you have had a chance to review the thread.

    Thank you.


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