From your field associate,

The events here in Sacramento monday would easily be the generic version being organized all over the state were it not for the Capital building. Not to harp on a sore subject, but our competition has run of the dome right now. MAPA had a big banner and table set up on the top steps; The dancers (yes, those ones) performed on the hallowed ground of this states epicenter; and our representatives sat comfortably in thier safe seats with little to worry them should they say a few reassuring words to the occupying crowd.

The beginning of this day was at Southside park. A few hundred at first, and then about 2,000 in all. the American flags were as all have already been informed. Big ones too. But along with that was Mexican flags draped and waved. MECHA, MAPA, and UFW were all represented. The signs were mostly hand made, but the telltale signs of monetary influence revealed themselves here and there; One woman wore a sign on both sides of her body that said "Media Contact". Several people were passing out pre-printed pamphlets with the chants in English on one side, and spanish the other. And signature gatherers for another tobacco tax for the kids healthcare solicitied alongside vote registrars.
The dancers gave a brief show, and the drums were pounded. Then fists were raised, and jumping in unison. Across the park came another sizeable group to join in, and when the unification was complete, the army moved to form a line headed to the federal building, and then the capital.
Along the way, at the edge of the park I saw a man wearing a hard hat with a flag emblazoned on it, and hcarrying a large Americn flag. He was a rally of 1 for enforcement. He was being antagonistic to a degree, and a few marchers were eager to engage him. a few to the point of some hard looks and macho stances. He was interviewed by some press folks and I'll look for that on the news tonight and the paper tomorrow. He made it out all right, and I introduced myself to him by writing the site address on his flagpole.
The streets were nearly impassible near the capital by car. The freeway was closed to help alleviate any police headaches and divert some of the crowd. Helicopters buzzed overhead and stragglers headed all directions trying to get to, or from the event. It went on until about 3 or so.
I took quite a bit of footage on video, but my software for downloading is not available on this laptop. I'll post this week for sure though.
One scary thing:
The t-shirts and signs showing a mex flag and American one side by side with a caption "Unidos"