Americans that have been fighting for legal immigration and against corruption and illega aliens, have been screwed too many times, to let our guard down and trust these newly active Republicans on this Amendment Issue.

ALIPAC and its members have been carefully crafting a bullet proof narrative that every American can understand regarding the problems with illegal immigration. But getting politicians on board, to push for a real border wall, a real military presence on the U.S./Mexican border, crack down on illegal alien hiring employers and stepping up deportation has been like pulling teeth. Even with Mexico uncovering two mass graves by the U.S./Mexican border in the past two weeks, it is still hard to place ones trust in either political party.

Now in places like the Dominican Republican only a Dominican Male Citizen can create a citizen and every other country has similar citizenship rules but the United States. And while I do think that we should change the Amendment on Citizenship Rights-I know that this is a political stunt by Republicans.

The success of ALIPAC has been to whip the media into shape, to the point that we at least now have the corporate media acknowledge that illegal aliens and drug cartels indeed exist in the U.S. We have people acknowledging that illegal aliens are also adding to unemployment rate of Americans.
Right now the unemployment rate for young Americans stands at a solid 19% according to the Labor Department and being that they fake numbers to make them lower, we know that it is really 29% Even though the media will not admit that the Health Care Bill’s illegal alien coverage destroyed their Obama Illusion, we know that the first point of outrage came with the House Bill of the Obamacare scam that covered illegal aliens with U.S. Tax Money. So, we have made huge progress in cutting into the left wing, globalist media and mind-set, without the hype from do nothing Republicans. In fact, Lindsay Graham and John McCain have been a pain in our sides along with the Republican turned Democrat Mayor of New York, Bloomberg.

So, being that we have yet to see Republicans act in a consistent manner regarding cracking down on employers that bus in illegal aliens and the building of a real border fence or even the resignation of Janet Napolitano, why in the world would anyone fall for the “we will change the U.S. Constitutionâ€