I had sent an email to all my State Reps, and this is what Senator Salazr had to say in return.

Thank you for writing. I share your concern and deep frustration that Congress has not successfully addressed our broken immigration system. Last year during the 109th Congress, the Senate passed the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act. This act was passed in a strong bi-partisan manner, and provided lasting, meaningful and realistic solutions to solve the multiple facets of immigration reform that must be addressed.

In addition to leading a bipartisan effort to push for the passage of this measure, I have supported increased funding for border security initiatives such as adding new border patrol agents and building virtual and physical barriers along our borders. Unfortunately, the House rejected this comprehensive solution in favor of unrealistic and unfeasible reforms designed more to score political points than find real solutions for our immigration problems.

I recognize that illegal immigration is an urgent problem, and only becomes more urgent and severe the longer it isn’t addressed. As the 110th Congress begins, I believe the Congress has an excellent opportunity to accomplish what the 109th Congress could not. Senate Majority Leader Reid has recognized the high priority this unresolved issue poses for America, and has stated his intent to reconsider immigration reform as one of the top 10 agenda items for the Senate. I am encouraged by this development and optimistic about Congressional willingness to finally craft a meaningful and comprehensive solution.

Until the Congress fulfills its duty to enact comprehensive and meaningful immigration reform, I will continue doing everything within my power to push solutions that address all aspects of immigration. As the Senate considers and acts on this important matter, I will keep your thoughts and concerns in mind.

Thank you again for writing.


Ken Salazar
United States Senator