This is another form of Amnesty. How many ways are they going to try to slip this past us? What are they going to call it next??? Keep an eye open for these silver tounged devils. Now I have to go make some more phone calls and complain about this.

As a reasonable person: If every person that came to this country illegally wants to bring just one relative over. The immigrant population would double again. That’s not an option! I’m sure it is more than one, it’s grandparents, aunts uncles, cousins, a bunch of children…

Considering they left the country without them: Then they chose to live a life without them. My child lives further away from me, than the Mexican border. My husband’s siblings and mother live further away from us than the border. Some of my children are going into the military and they are going overseas. It’s called a telephone, e-mail and airline tickets. They don’t have to live with you, to love them or to be a family.

As a Christian: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh".(Genesis 2:24) No one else matters.