Quote Originally Posted by 4thHorseman View Post
It is arguable because in both cases their parents were born in other countries (Rubio's in Cuba and Jindal's in India). Jindal was born in the US, Rubio I am not sure. But a lot of people are arguing that the term 'natural born citizen' means to be born on US soil and both parents must be citizens. In Rubio's case I do not believe his parents had achieved citizenship at the time of his birth. The same might apply to Jindal. However, since no one in government wants to challenge Obama's citizenship (and as far as I am concerned, his credentials are a lot more dubious than either Rubio or Jindal's) I do not think there would be a successful legal challenge to either Rubio or Jindal. However, the Democrats, unlike the wishy washy GOP. would have no hesitation to use it as a demonizing tactic to divert attention away from Obama's obvious faults, failures, and nation-destroying agenda.
Dude, what you stated is an Orly Taitz/Chelene Nightingale caliber assertion. That position is completely unsupported by any jurisprudence from a federal court and pretty much the type of nonsense I'd expect read on an InfoWars web page.

They were both born in the United States and are U.S. citizens. Period.