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  1. #1
    Senior Member Dianne's Avatar
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    Ron Paul discussed on Lou Dobbs

    Here is a portion of the transcript from last night's show: I bring this up because Ron Paul has raised in the third quarter, as much as John McCain; over $5,000,000. He has now proven himself a viable, top tier candidate; and he is frankly the only top tier candidate in any party that is totally opposed to amnesty.

    Here is a portion of the transcript from last night's show.

    BALLENTINE: Well, my viewers are very upset about this. And, to be honest with you, Kitty, I'm a little concerned as a citizen and as an attorney. One of the things that I'm worried about is if they're going to issue these licenses, if they're giving these people the right to drive and if they're giving them the right to drive, if they go out and kill somebody, can we sue the State of New York? Also, the Interstate Commerce Clause is going to come into effect here, because if you're giving somebody a license, you're giving them a right to drive from state. And the illegal issue comes into play because if you're pulled over and you have a legal drivers license from the State of New York, you're -- the question of you being here illegally may not ever be addressed because you have a legal driver's license.

    PILGRIM: Yes.

    BALLENTINE: And I mean it's a lot of different issues that's coming to play here with this.

    PILGRIM: You know, and, certainly, Charles, you know -- and, also, this document is your entree onto an airplane, isn't it?

    GOYETTE: You know, Kitty, I think all of this stuff is headed toward a national I.D. card. I'm very, very sad to say that.

    MADISON: Yes.

    GOYETTE: I believe that's where we're going. And it is a concomitant -- it is inevitability with the national security state that the Republicans and the Democrats have ushered in in this country with The Patriot Act and more.

    We're headed toward a national I.D. card. We're headed to being vassals or surfs of the state. And I've looked at the field of presidential candidates. There's only one guy who's outspoken against this kind of stuff, and it's Congressman Ron Paul. He's been against this idea of a national security state for a long time. And he's starting to look more and more attractive with each passing day.

    PILGRIM: Joe?

    MADISON: But, you know what's really stupid about this -- and I'm not going to mince words with this -- is when I heard the governor today announce he's going to have a separate place for what...


    MADISON: ...illegal aliens...

    BALLENTINE: Yes, that's...

    MADISON: ...immigrants to go. So can you imagine if you're with the immigration service, all you have to do is just sit there and wait to see who gets in line.

    PILGRIM: Well, can you imagine if the line is shorter what the (INAUDIBLE)...

    MADISON: I mean, so what person who is here illegally...

    PILGRIM: Right.

    MADISON: going to go and say, OK, legal over here, illegal over here.


    MADISON: Who's going to do that?

    GOYETTE: Right. Right.

    PILGRIM: That's -- it really boggles the mind how that would work out logistically.

    MADISON: Well, two hours we couldn't get away from this...

    PILGRIM: Oh, really?

    MADISON: And not one caller -- one caller -- supported it. Not one.

    PILGRIM: Well, that's interesting.

    You know, you bring up the whole presidential race. Rudy Giuliani was in Philadelphia yesterday and he visited Geno's cheese steak shop, where they had a sign that said "This is America, please order in English."

    All the candidates are going to have to address...

    MADISON: Well, he should have went across the street to the other one.


    MADISON: And then they didn't have to worry about that controversy.

    PILGRIM: Yes. Well, let me...

    MADISON: He didn't. So that's why he's in the trouble he is with -- you know, I -- it's ridiculous.

    PILGRIM: Right. Well, Giuliani has toughened his position on immigration. He said -- he said that to become a citizen of the country, you should be able to read, write and speak English. But when he was mayor -- I mean New York is basically a sanctuary city. And he had a much, much more inclusive, softer approach.

    Warren, what do you think about the candidates and trying to reposition their attitudes on some of these issues?

    BALLENTINE: Well, you know, Kitty, I think Giuliani is a flip- flopper. I think he's trying to get votes. He's trying to position himself more in line with the American people to get these votes out here. And I think the true -- the true sense -- I agree. I think Ron Paul has took a great stance on the immigration issue.

    Dianne Boyter Posted Oct 3, 2007 at 11:37 AM Link to this reply Report inappropriate post Edit Delete Quote in reply
    Matthews, NC
    87th Post
    I left this out: You can read the full transcript at

    GOYETTE: They're all trying to reinvent themselves. They all -- none of them have any core beliefs. There is nothing you can depend on. This is like George W. Bush running in 2000 for a more modest foreign policy.


    GOYETTE: There is nothing any of them believe in, other than trying to get a monopoly on some kind of power in Washington.

    This brings us back to Ron Paul, once again, who says I'm not running for president because I want to tell you what to do with your life, I'm running for government because I want to back the government out of your life and out of your affairs.

  2. #2
    Here is a portion of the transcript from last night's show: I bring this up because Ron Paul has raised in the third quarter, as much as John McCain; over $5,000,000. He has now proven himself a viable, top tier candidate; and he is frankly the only top tier candidate in any party that is totally opposed to amnesty.
    THANK GOODNESS THERE IS ONE IN THE TOP TIER THAT IS opposed to AMNESTY! It is pathetic that Main Stream Media is working so hard to black him out of the picture!!!!

  3. #3
    Senior Member USPatriot's Avatar
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    ABC Nightly News did a piece on RON PAUL this evening.It was a good and they talked about some things he stand for like ,bringing our troops home, smaller government,reduced government spending,they also mentioned his donations were more in the third quarter then a few top tier candidates and he is a favorite among young voters.

    Glad he is getting some media exposure finally !!
    "A Government big enough to give you everything you want,is strong enough to take everything you have"* Thomas Jefferson

  4. #4
    stealthwii's Avatar
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    News is spreading, there is an AP article and a Reuters article (, and its on the drudge report higlighted in red.

    If you havent taken the time to look into Ron Paul and his candidacy, please do so now. I believe you will like what you see and you will love his consistent record.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Daytona Beach, FL
    you tube link to segment

    on a side note... do you Paul supporters remember way back when Paul was on The Morton Downey Jr. show.. refreshed my memory of the show on you tube.. not pretty.. and I will leave it at that..
    "Democrats Fall in Love, Republicans Fall in Line!"

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