"How come there are no democrats challenging Obama for the primary nomination?"

Many are retiring in 2012 because they know it's going to be a democratic blood bath in the 2012 elections! And they know they don't have a chance for re-election!

Are there any Democratic politicians that feel the same about this issue as we do?

Brewer spoke out against illegal immigration, and her poll ratings went way up! And she was re-elected by a landslide!

A couple things I've learned here is that it doesn't matter your political party, if you want what's best for our country and the American people we're behind you all the way!

And the short time I've been here, I've seen all of you here really, really piss off some very important people!

MSM and the entrenched GOP are trying to ram RINO's down our throats,
Romney, Palin, and other assorted open border one world globalists!

Not only can everyone here really really piss un-American politicians off,
you're also very convincing, I've seen it with my own eyes!

So we take a no name Dem. who knows his/her political employment is up shortly, show them proof that by following the will of the people this election season, will win them the Presidency of the United States of America!

And kick back and watch the fireworks! "Desperate Dem. vs RINOMAN"

It may sound crazy but, when I was in a fight with a bully one time as a kid, he was on my chest choking me, I used both hands to move one of his hands up to my mouth and nearly bit his thumb off! I was hurt but I won that time!