
It is with great sadness that I report that Dr. Madeleine Cosman has passed away. With her passing, our movement has lost one of our strongest fighters.

Dr. Cosman's intellect and charisma made her one of the most dangerous opponents to the Open Borders Lobby.

I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. 'C' and working with her at the 2005 Unite to Fight Summit in Las Vegas. We became instant friends with a great deal of mutual admiration. Dr. C was also a small craft pilot and she would fly around the South Western US attending events and speaking to the national media.

Dr. Cosman was a great leader that told the nation about all of the hospitals that have closed in California due to waves of illegal immigration. She also raised awareness about the increased outbreaks of diseases that are brought in by illegal aliens.

Dr. Cosman, you will be missed and you will be remembered!

Our hearts and prayers go out to your family and all of us that are committed to stopping illegal immigration and securing America's borders should pause to reflect on the accomplishments of this great woman.

If our movement should prevail, Dr. Madeleine Cosman should be listed in the history books as one of America's true patriotic heroes.

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration