The son of the mexican illegal alien elvira arellano asked California congresswoman Zoe Lofgern to help solve the situation of his mother, who was deported to mexico, and for another 34 people who find themselves in the same situation.

Saul Arellano, 8 years old, also took the opportunity to ask the representative to support HR 1557 and HR 2182 which would benefit the alien (elvira) and others who like her were separated from their families because of a deportation order.

Accompanied by Ivan Torres, also 8 years old and resident of San Jose, his godmother Emma Lozano, and pastor Walter Coleman, of the Adalberto Methodist Church of Chicago, where Arellano took refuge for one year, Saul did not want to give a statement to the media.
(they are changing strategy).

“The child (Saul) does not want to give a statement to the media, it has been difficult for him and we ask that you respect this decisionâ€