The present SCHIP and the future SCHIP will cover children of illegal aliens and it will cover illegal aliens who are pregnant and will give birth in U.S.

360.000 anchor babies are born each year and they are covered by medicaid and SCHIP.

Democrats are liying about SCHIP not covering illegal aliens.

Read between the lines.

"States can cap or freeze enrollment in separate SCHIP programs.They cannot, however,close enrollment to eligible children in a SCHIP-funded Medicaid expansion.

Federal rules require states with separate SCHIP-funded programs to coordinate their enrollment procedures with Medicaid to prevent children from "falling through the cracks" and remaining uninsured and to ensure that children are enrolled in the proper program.

In general, SCHIP funds (as well as regular Medicaid funds) may not be used to cover immigrant children who are lawfully present but have not been in the country for five years or undocumented children.The new citizenship documentation requirement established in the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) applies to citizen children applying for Medicaid (including SCHIP-funded Medicaid expansions), not to separate SCHIP"