Did anyone watch the webcast of the Senate Subcommittee dealing with Comprehensive Immigration Reform, today? I know a lot of you might have turned it off prematurely because of the biased testimony. Kris Kobach did the best job he could--despite being outmanned by those who believe illegal immigration is an economic benefit (like Alan Greenspan).

But at the end Senator Schumer announced that "The Congressional Record is open for seven days." Great News Now the next question is: How does one submit something to the Record? Has anyone here ever done this? Do you need to do it through your US Senator? Sounds like a great possibility.

As to the economic arguments which comprised a lot of the "expert" testimony----we have done away with a lot of occupations in this country that were formerly considered a valuable contribution. Why? The world moved on. We no longer needed mule team drivers or honeymen to clean the outhouses or chimneysweeps, etc, because technological change eliminated those roles. And it should eliminate many of the roles that illegal aliens typically fulfill.

The other BIG argument that they missed was the gradually increasing chaotic conditions due to our "family reunification policy." I would like to see testimony of how elderly foreign citizens are draining our social security system. Not to mention the hordes of third worlders who can potentially come here through family reunification. They touched upon it a little bit in the dialogue between skilled immigration and family reunification.

So there is a lot that we could address. How do we do it? It's open for seven days.