well we need to be thinking about what retribution we all will enact upon our senators (I never capitalize that word any more since they don't deserve even that level of respect) if they do indeed pass this awful fraud of a bill.

I've been telling every republican senator I call, that if the republicans in the senate allow this bill to pass, that I will do everything in my power to END the republican party. not only will I never vote FOR any republican candidate for any office at any level, I will vote against republicans as a rule, I will contibute money to opposing candidates, I will spread the word about their treachery, and I will never ever forget their betrayal. I hold grudges about things this serious.

this issue calls for an approach that is bigger and more threatening to them than just telling your senator that we'll vote that one senator out if they support this. they need to be made to realize that if they do this, they won't have a party to come home to any more. corporate money means nothing if you can't win elections because the people hate your guts with a passion unseen ever in American politics.

we need to leverage our power and influence to show these rats that if they leave this huge knife sticking out of our backs, they will pay with the end of their cozy little party. and all of them will pay, not just those we especially don't like.

because, in the end, if they cannot see fit to defend our laws, they are worse than worthless and need to be gotten entirely rid of.

and I don't care if this puts democRats in office, because if the republicans pass this amnesty, there will be no distinction, and we will have been betrayed by those who pretend to be on our side. then after that we can deal with the democRats too. it would be great to end both parties forever.

they both belong on the ash heap of history.

I'd be interested to hear some thoughts on this. thanks.